

Family Health


Perimenopause Symptoms – S

Perimenopause Symptoms – S

Key Points

  • Skin that feels itchy or dry can be a symptom of perimenopause.
  • If you experience tingling, this may be a sign of perimenopause. However, you should check it out with a doctor. Tingling can be a sign of many other issues.
  • Make sure you moisturize regularly and stay active.

Perimenopause Symptoms That Begin with S

Skin that feels itchy, crawly; tingling in the extremities

During perimenopause your estrogen levels drop, which slows down collagen production. Collagen is responsible for resilient skin. Collagen loss is most rapid at the beginning of menopause, and it manifests as itchy, dry, or flaky skin.

The crawling feeling experienced during perimenopause can be described as if bugs were walking all over you, or a burning sensation like an insect bite. Your skin may also be unusually sensitive. In most cases, the tingling is harmless. However, tingling of the skin can also be a symptom of anxiety, poor blood circulation, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, or a tumor. Always get unexplained tingling checked out by your doctor, especially if it affects an entire side of your body or is accompanied by muscle weakness.

Tips for Dealing with Itchy Skin and Tingling

If you're facing itchy skin or tingling as a result of perimenopause, there are things you can do to help. Check out these tips:

Stay moisturized. By keeping your skin moisturized, you'll help alleviate any dryness that comes along. Different skin types require different types of moisturizers, so you may need to experiment a bit to find the right one for you. If you're struggling to find a good moisturizer or you've exhausted all of your options, then speak to a dermatologist.

Apply a cold cloth or ice pack to itchy areas. Keep the cold compress on the affected area for five to ten minutes, or until itching subsides. Remember to never directly place extremely cold objects on the skin, as this could harm you. Always wrap it in a blanket or towel before applying it to your skin.

Bathe with lukewarm water. A lot of us prefer to take hot showers or baths, especially in the colder months. This isn't great for itchy or dry skin, however. If you're suffering from skin issues, it's best to take a lukewarm or cool shower or bath. You'll probably end up bathing quicker as a result, which will cut down your water bill!

Wear loose-fitting, cotton clothes. Tight clothes or clothes made out of rougher materials can further irritate your skin, leaving it even itchier and more irritated. By wearing loose-fitting clothing, you'll give your skin the room it needs to breathe.

Stay moving. If you're experiencing tingling, then getting yourself moving can help. You should aim to walk around for a few minutes every 30 to 60 minutes. This will keep your blood flowing and will reduce the severity and frequency of tingling sensations.

Do stretching exercises. Stretching regularly will enhance blood circulation, which can help reduce the severity and frequency of tingling sensations. Aim to do a variety of exercises that target all different areas of the body.

Perimenopause Symptoms A to Z

Perimenopause Symptoms – A

Perimenopause Symptoms – B

Perimenopause Symptoms – C

Perimenopause Symptoms – D

Perimenopause Symptoms – E

Perimenopause Symptoms – F

Perimenopause Symptoms – G

Perimenopause Symptoms – H

Perimenopause Symptoms – I

Perimenopause Symptoms – J

Perimenopause Symptoms – K

Perimenopause Symptoms – L

Perimenopause Symptoms – M

Perimenopause Symptoms – N

Perimenopause Symptoms – O

Perimenopause Symptoms – P

Perimenopause Symptoms – Q

Perimenopause Symptoms – R

Perimenopause Symptoms – S

Perimenopause Symptoms – T

Perimenopause Symptoms – U

Perimenopause Symptoms – V

Perimenopause Symptoms – W

Perimenopause Symptoms – Z

Perimenopause Information

What You Need to Know About Navigating Perimenopause
What You Need to Know About Perimenopause Symptoms
What You Need to Do if You’re Going Through Perimenopause
How to Manage Your Perimenopause Symptoms
What Medical Treatments are Available for Perimenopause?

Do not take the content of this article as professional medical adviceIt's important to exercise due diligence when obtaining relevant information in matters pertaining to your health. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any medical decisions.

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