



Learning & Activities


4th-Grade Math

4th-Grade Math

4th-grade math students are becoming more comfortable with math by this time. By the fourth grade, they have learned all of the basic operations and know how to use them. The 4th grade is a chance to consolidate and solidify that knowledge. You can see this in the topics of numbers, measurement, geometry, and manipulation of numbers that they are studying. 

Key Points of 4th-Grade Math

  • By 4th grade, most math students will be fairly proficient in all areas of math for the age group including basic geometry, extremely simple algebra, and counting.
  • Don't be alarmed if your child is struggling with certain areas of math. Every child excels and struggles with all kinds of subjects.
  • If you feel your child is understanding more than just a 4th-grade level of math, don't be scared to seek more advanced classes or tutoring to keep them challenged and interested.

Students are expected to be able to count by various numbers all the way to 100. For example, 4th-grade math students must know how to count by 8's, 8, 16, 24, etc. all the way to 100. Students should understand the multiplication table from 1 to 10. 4th-grade math will teach your child to be able to understand decimals to the one-hundredth place and be able to recognize fractions. 

Students need to have an understanding of their units of measurement such as inches, feet, miles, centimeters, meters, ounces, pounds, and grams. They need to be able to measure the perimeter and area of triangles and rectangles. They need to be able to measure volume and mass. They need to understand how to make changes for various amounts up to $50.

A 4th-grade math student should be able to make various geometric shapes using straws, popsicle sticks, or even string. They need to be able to measure angles using their protractor. Finally, they need to sort and identify geometric figures and shapes.

Students should be able to analyze the rule of equations and find missing values in an equation. They need to be able to create and label a variety of graphs as well as read and interpret information from graphs. 4th-grade math heads into algebra and geometry, so it is important that your child gets any extra help they need to understand the basics.

Do be aware that not all 4th-grade math is considered equal. If your child is in a public school system, the level of instruction will differ between districts. If you feel your child is far too advanced, it could be worth it to find private tutoring to expand your child's knowledge and study of math.

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