

Conceiving / Getting Pregnant




Everything You Need to Know About Preconception Preparation

Preconception Preparation what you need in order to achieve the healthiest pregnancy possible.

Everything You Need to Know About Preconception Preparation

Whether planning her first pregnancy or her fourth, every woman should address a few preconception needs in order to achieve the healthiest pregnancy possible.

Get Moving

If getting quality exercise is not near the top of your preconception needs, then perhaps it would be a good idea to reevaluate the role of exercise in fertility, pregnancy, and a healthy life style in general.

Exercise helps the body regulate healthy hormone processes and fat stores. Both of these issues add greatly to a woman’s ability to conceive in the first place. Many a woman has found her path to motherhood only after exercise and weight loss helped regulate her menstrual and ovulation cycles.

In addition to increasing fertility, exercise helps prepare mom’s body for the very physical events that are gestation, labor, and birth. When the muscles supporting pregnancy and labor are strong, these experiences are easier and more comfortable.

Dietary Changes

Eating for two is not just an excuse for consistently laying claim to the last brownie. Eating for two really means that everything mom eats, baby eats too. Many a parent will deny their young children sugary, fatty foods and instead encourage the eating of veggies, fruits, and whole grain choices, while they themselves are scarfing cookies and ice cream sundaes post-bedtime.

If this is a habit, stop and envision your newborn chowing down on a generous slice of cake. Wouldn’t you rather feed your baby vitamin-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables? Starting those habits now will make the changes stick during pregnancy.


Most women take a supplemental prenatal vitamin for pregnancy as well as for the duration of the postpartum recovery and nursing periods. How many moms planning to get pregnant begin taking a vitamin as part of their preconception preparation?

The average pregnancy is well into its 6th week before mom is certain baby is even on the way. Many vital processes and systems are developed during this critical early time. Taking an appropriate vitamin supplement will help safeguard baby’s development from day one.

The best prenatal vitamins are full of critical nutrients, such as folic acid, which is known to help prevent certain birth defects, and are also balanced for maximum absorption. Taking a vitamin which contains insoluble nutrients doesn’t help. Conduct a bit of vitamin investigation to be certain that the one you select will do what you want it to do.

Never start taking any supplement without first consulting a doctor. Not every supplement is the right choice, and without a doctor's opinion you'll find it hard to make a proper selection. It is possible to overdose on vitamins and minerals, which often has negative consequences on your body.

The last thing you want is to delay your pregnancy because you take too much of a given vitamin or mineral. To prevent this issue from occurring, talk to your doctor about what vitamins do and don't make sense for you to supplement. If your doctor advises against taking a supplement, listen to them.

Cutting Harmful Habits

A developing baby is susceptible to all sorts of hazards that don’t affect mom’s mature body in the same way. An occasional glass of wine, for example, will not cause mom any brain damage, but it can and sometimes does have that exact effect on a delicate fetus.

Habits that are especially harmful while pregnant include: drinking, smoking, the use of illegal drugs and many prescription medications, and drinking three or more cups of coffee per day.

Ideally mom will stop drinking, smoking, drinking caffeinated beverages, and any drug use preconception. If prescription drugs are part of the daily routine it is best to discuss their effects on pregnancy, if any, with your doctor and modify their use if possible.

If you are struggling to quit drinking or smoking, talk to your doctor. They can help connect you with resources to cut those habits, putting you on the right track for a healthy pregnancy and baby. The same is true if you are struggling to quit illegal drugs; your doctor cares first about your health, not about the legality or illegality of what drugs you're taking. Be honest with them so they can help.

These simple preconception changes will see you through to a healthy, happy pregnancy.

The content of this article should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional before making any decisions that affect your health. It is your responsibility to practice due diligence on matters pertaining to your health.

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