

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Abagail is a unique spelling variation of Abigail. It comes from the ancient Hebrew baby name, Avigayil. Abagail is no longer a top 1,000 option, and it is currently on the top 6,000 list.

Meaning of the name Abagail:

Hebrew: my father is joy
English: my father is joy

Origin of the name Abagail:

Abagail is a spelling variation of the more popular Abigail. The latter comes from the Hebrew baby name Avigayil, which comes from the root words “av” and “gil.” The English spelling and its variations, including Abigail and Abagail, became popular during the Protestant Reformation due to the biblical significance.

Symbolism of the name Abagail:

Abagail means “my father is joy” because of the original Hebrew baby name, Avigayil. The root word “av” translates to “father,” and “gil” interprets to “joy.”

Style of the name Abagail:


Gender of the name Abagail:

Abagail is a kind-hearted baby name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Abagail:


Number of syllables in the name Abagail:


Emotion evoked from the name Abagail:

Abagail is a wholesome and refined name. It is formal and classical.

Alternative spellings for the name Abagail:

Nicknames for the name Abagail:

Popularity of the name Abagail:

Abagail was a top 1,000 baby name in America from 1999 to 2010. It was first number 979 and left the Social Security Popularity Index at rank 920. Abagail did best in 2003 at 869.

Related names for the name Abagail:

Great middle names for Abagail and their meanings:

  • Brynn (hill, mound)
  • Laine (wave, dweller in a lane)
  • Raine (she is singing, queen)
  • Renee (reborn, born again)
  • Wren (small bird)
  • Claire (clear, bright, light-colored)
  • Delaney (from the alder grove, dark challenger)
  • Shae (full of majesty)

Famous people with the name Abagail:

There are no famous people with the baby name Abagail.

Abagails in popular culture:

  • Abagail McDermott (character from “The Sims”)
  • Abagail Freemantle (character from “The Stand”)
  • Abagail Grey (the name of a folk band from Scotland)
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