

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names


Middle Names


Unique Baby Names



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If you're looking for a beautiful and exotic name that will definitely help your little girl stand out in a crowd, look no further than Ahtziri. The name's exact origin is unknown, though we are pretty sure it has an Aztec background. It's quite possibly a new take or alternative spelling of the more common Aztec baby name Jatziri. In that case, it has a cute little nature meaning that new parents could easily see it as a symbol for their new baby girl. If you like Ahtziri but want to make it sound a little less unusual, pair it with a classic or popular middle name.

Meaning of the Name Ahtziri

Ahtziri's exact origin is unknown, but it's most likely an Aztec name. There are several thoughts about what it means and where it's derived from, but it seems like it's most likely a version of the name Jatziri, which means “dewdrop.

Ahtziri is a nature name that means “dewdrop,” and in many cultures, the dewdrop is a symbol of the human soul. It can also be a sign of purity, love, and wisdom.

Little girl engineering with creative drawing environment with happy family, eco friendly, save energy, against a brick wall

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Nicknames for Ahtziri

The baby name Ahtziri evokes images of someone who is most comfortable in nature. She often feels like she relates more to plants and animals than she does to people. If you're looking to discover a nickname for the Ahtziri in your life, we've compiled a helpful list of nicknames to get you inspired.

  • Atzi
  • Ziri
  • ZiZi
  • RiRi
  • Iri
  • AA

Ahtziri Name Details

Style: Unique, international, ancient, nature name

Gender: Ahtziri is traditionally considered to be a girls name.

Pronunciation: AHT-see-ree

Syllables: Three

Ahtziri Name Popularity

According to the Social Security Administration, Ahtziri has never been a top 1,000 baby name for boys or girls in the United States.

Hard to choose or decide the name of new born baby, with “what name“ question on blackboard and woman’s hand holding positive pregnancy test


  • Jatziri
  • Atotoztli
  • Atlatonin
  • Atzi
  • Atlacoya

Great Middle Names for Ahtziri and Their Meanings

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