

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Aleksandra is closely related to the English name Alexandra. It is the transliteration of the Russian name.

Meaning of the name Aleksandra

Greek: Defender of the People

Origin of the name Aleksandra

Ancient Greek

Symbolism of the name Aleksandra

Aleksandra is powerful and complete. She is intellectual and good at making plans, though she enjoys someone else carrying out the plans. She is adventurous and is willing to take risks in order to meet her goals.

Style of the name Aleksandra


Gender of the name Aleksandra

Aleksandra is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Aleksandra


Number of syllables in the name Aleksandra


Emotion evoked from the name Aleksandra

Aleksandra looks for freedom and opportunities to enjoy life. She is honest and fair, because that is the only way to get justice and honesty from others. She has a restless spirit.

Alternative spellings for the name Aleksandra

Nicknames for the name Aleksandra

Popularity of the name Aleksandra

Aleksandra came onto the popularity charts around 2007. It stayed fairly steady year after year through 2018. In 2020, Aleksandra was most popular in England. It was also used a lot in Estonia and Poland.

Related names for the name Aleksandra

Great middle names for Aleksandra and their meanings

  • Suzy (graceful lily)
  • Germaine (sisterly)
  • Kiona (brown hills)
  • Kymberley (royal fortress, woodland clearing)
  • Courtney (a short nose)
  • Dane (God will judge)
  • Lona (light)
  • Clayton (clay settlement or mortal)
  • Deena (from the valley)

Famous people with the name Aleksandra

Aleksandras in popular culture

There is no Aleksandra located in popular culture.

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