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Olivia has been a top baby name in the United States for over a century, a top 100 name for girls since 1990, and a top 10 name since 2001. If you love the name but want to make it stand out, consider Alivia, an alternative that is just as pretty but has a slightly different spelling. The name symbolizes peace and sounds just as romantic as its inspiration, but it's a little more unique. It also comes with a variety of cute nicknames.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Alivia:

Alivia is an American spelling of the name Olivia. Olivia is the feminine version of Oliver, which is a Latin name that means “olive” or “olive tree”.

Symbolism of the Name Alivia:

If you've ever heard the phrase “extending an olive branch,” you know that the olive is a symbol of peace.

Nicknames for the Name Alivia:

Alivia, like its traditional counterpart, has some very cute nicknames that derive from it. Check out our picks for the best Alivia nicknames:

  • Liv 
  • Viv
  • Ally
  • Livvy
  • LeeLee
  • Via
  • Al
  • Als
  • Aliv
  • Olive 
  • Ia
  • Livs

Style of the Name Alivia:


Gender of the Name Alivia:

Alivia is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the Name Alivia:


Number of Syllables in the Name Alivia:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Alivia:

Like Oliva, the baby name Alivia evokes images of sophistication and romance, but the alternative spelling adds a freshness and newness to the image.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Alivia:

Popularity of the Name Alivia:

Alivia first made the list of the top 1,000 baby names for girls in the United States in 1995, and it's gained popularity at a rapid pace. As of 2022, it ranks at number 319, according to the Social Security Administration.

Great Middle Names for Alivia and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Alivia:


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