

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Calandra is a beautiful alternative to more popular Greek names like Calista and Cassandra. This option will help your daughter stand out since it is only on the top 29,000 list. Calandra has a beautiful meaning as well, which is “singing bird” or “lark.”

Meaning of the name Calandra:

Greek: lark, singing bird

Origin of the name Calandra:

Calandra is a rare ancient Greek name. It began as a nickname for girls who had a beautiful singing voice. They would be those who sang like a bird, for instance. The name spread primarily to Italy and other European countries, but it is now an option in America.

Symbolism of the name Calandra:

The baby name Calandra means “lark” or “singing bird” because of its nickname origins. Remember, those girls who had a lovely singing voice were called Calandra.

Style of the name Calandra:


Gender of the name Calandra:

Calandra is an ancient name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Calandra:


Number of syllables in the name Calandra:


Emotion evoked from the name Calandra:

Calandra feels unique and regal. It has an international sound.

Alternative spellings for the name Calandra:

  • Callandra
  • Calanndra
  • Callanndra

Nicknames for the name Calandra:

  • Cala
  • Cal
  • Callie 
  • Calli
  • Cally
  • Andra
  • Andy
  • Landra

Popularity of the name Calandra:

Calandra has no record as a top 1,000 name on the Social Security Popularity Index. The name remains rare in America as it is only a top 29,000 option. As of this year, it is number 28,933.

Related names for the name Calandra:

Great middle names for Calandra and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Calandra:

There are not currently any famous people with the name Calandra.

Calandras in popular culture:

  • Calandra Rosso (character from “10 Kids, No Pets”)
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