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Caylin is a unique alternative to names like Kaylin and Kaitlin. Some also believe it has deep Irish and Gaelic roots! In America, this unique option is only a top 10,000 baby name!

Meaning of the name Caylin:

American: invented name
Irish: slender and fair
English: slender and fair

Origin of the name Caylin:

Caylin has two potential origin stories. Some individuals believe that it is the anglicized version of Caoilfhionn. Caoilfhionn comes from the Irish words “cael” and “finn.” It was a popular title in the Irish church because of several saints. Others say it is simply a spelling variation of Kaylyn. Kaylyn is a modern baby name that combines “kay” and “lyn.”

Symbolism of the name Caylin:

Caylin has two different meanings depending on its origins. In Irish and English, it translates to “slender and fair.” Caoilfhionn is a combination of the words “cael” and “finn.” “Cael” means “slender,” and “finn” translates to “fair” or “white.” In America, Caylin could be a spelling variation of Kaylin. Kaylin means “invented name.”

Style of the name Caylin:

Traditional or modern

Gender of the name Caylin:

Caylin is a youthful name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Caylin:


Number of syllables in the name Caylin:


Emotion evoked from the name Caylin:

Caylin feels upbeat and fun-spirited. It is a youthful and extroverted baby name.

Alternative spellings for the name Caylin:

  • Caelin
  • Cailen
  • Cailin
  • Cailyn 
  • Caylyn
  • Caelyn

Nicknames for the name Caylin:

  • Cay
  • Cay Cay
  • Lin
  • KK
  • Cayce
  • Cay Bay

Popularity of the name Caylin:

Caylin has no history on the Social Security Popularity Index. As of 2021, it is only a top 10,000 option. More specifically, it is number 9,776 for girls.

Related names for the name Caylin:

Great middle names for Caylin and their meanings:

  • Sophia (wisdom, divine wisdom)
  • Bethany (house of figs)
  • Pearl (precious, smooth and round stone)
  • Danielle (God is my judge)
  • Rose (rose, a flower)
  • Piper (someone who plays the pipe)
  • Harlow (army hill, rock hill)
  • Adelaide (noble-natured, nobility)

Famous people with the name Caylin:

Caylins in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters with the name Caylin.

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