

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Greysen is an adorable name for boys that comes from the old English surname, Greyson. It has a youthful and mischievous feel, making it popular among modern parents. As of 2021, Greysen is a top 1,100 option.

Meaning of the name Greysen:

English: son of the steward

Origin of the name Greysen:

Greysen is a spelling variation of Greyson. The latter was first a surname in England. During the Middle Ages, the name “Greyve” was popular for boys. It influenced the family name Greyson, which means “son of the steward.”

Symbolism of the name Greysen:

Greysen means “son of the steward” as it has the same translation as Greyson. The latter was a surname, which comes from the Medieval name, Greyve. Greyve translates to “steward.”

Style of the name Greysen:

Traditional as a surname, modern as a first name

Gender of the name Greysen:

Greysen is a youthful baby name for boys.

Pronunciation of the name Greysen:


Number of syllables in the name Greysen:


Emotion evoked from the name Greysen:

Greysen is a wholesome and youthful baby name. It is modern and trendy.

Alternative spellings for the name Greysen:

Nicknames for the name Greysen:

Popularity of the name Greysen:

Greysen was only a top 1,000 baby name for two years in America. In 2016, it was number 968, and in 2017, 956. As of 2020, it was at rank 1,035. In comparison, the original Greyson is a top 100 name at number 81.

Related names for the name Greysen:

Great middle names for Greysen and their meanings:

  • Adam (son of the red earth, man)
  • Barrett (as strong as a bear, strife)
  • Axel (father is peace)
  • Caleb (faithful, bold, whole-hearted)
  • Elliott (the Lord is my God)
  • Xavier (new house, bright, splendid)
  • Drake (dragon, snake)
  • Cole (victory of the people)

Famous people with the name Greysen:

There are no famous people with the name Greysen.

Greysens in popular culture:

  • Greysen (character from “A Court of Thorns and Roses”)
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