

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Juelz is a masculine name that changed the name of Jules in an attempt to make it more masculine.

Meaning of the name Juelz

Youthful, downy

Origin of the name Juelz


Symbolism of the name Juelz

Juelz is sweet and always a peacemaker. They understand the law of harmony and work to keep in balance with those around them. Juelz is shy, sensitive, and perceptive. They are also patient and enjoy nurturing others.

Style of the name Juelz

New age

Gender of the name Juelz

Juelz is a boy's baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Juelz


Number of syllables in the name Juelz


Emotion evoked from the name Juelz

Juelz is joyful and upbeat. He is confident, always knowing exactly what to do. Juelz is an enriching person, and he enjoys sharing what he knows. He also has a great sense of humor. He is sensitive, tactful, and diplomatic.

Alternative spellings for the name Juelz

  • Jules
  • Jewelz

Nicknames for the name Juelz

  • Jo
  • Lou

Popularity of the name Juelz

Juelz entered the chart for popular names around 2009. By 2012, popularity had more than doubled. It went down slightly in 2013 and then drastically around 2015. In 2017, Juelz shot up to its highest point of popularity and then dropped in 2018 and 2019. As of 2020, it was beginning to gain again.

Related names for the name Juelz

  • Jules
  • Jewelz
  • Jools

Great middle names for Juelz and their meanings

Famous people with the name Juels

Juelz’s in popular culture

There was no Juelz found in popular culture with that spelling

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