

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Kavon has two potential origins — one Irish and one Persian — but it's a fairly modern name in the United States. It didn't make the list of the top 1,000 baby names for boys until around 2000, and it only stuck around for a couple of years, but it's not so far gone that it can't make another appearance. Kavon has interesting symbolism and pairs well with a variety of middle names.

Meaning of the name Kavon:

Persian: Saturn
Irish: Valley dweller

Origin of the name Kavon:

Kavon is an alternative spelling of the Persian name Kayvan, which is the name of the planet Saturn in that language. Some people also believe it's derived from the Irish name Devon, which means “valley dweller.”

Symbolism of the name Kavon:

Parents may choose the name to symbolize their Irish or Persian heritage. However, they may also find some celestial symbolism since the name is closely associated with the planet Saturn. The name is also important to people who practice Zoroastrianism.

Style of the name Kavon:

Modern in the United States with historic roots in Iran

Gender of the name Kavon:

Kavon is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Kavon:


Number of syllables in the name Kavon:


Emotion evoked from the name Kavon:

The baby name Kavon evokes images of someone who is handsome and good-looking, but he is also good-natured.

Alternative spellings for the name Kavon:

  • Kayvon
  • Kayvan
  • Keyvan
  • Kaevon
  • Keivan

Nicknames for the name Kavon:

Popularity of the name Kavon:

Kavon was a top 1,000 baby name in 2000 and 2001. According to the Social Security Administration, it last ranked at 976 in 2001.

Related names for the name Kavon:

Great middle names for Kavon and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Kavon:

  • Kavon Lightsey (actor)
  • Kavon Karami (actor)
  • Kavon Frazier (football player)
  • Kavon Booker (basketball player)

Kavons in popular culture:


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