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Marchello is a baby name that serves as an English variation of a traditional Italian name. The baby name Marchello is also a strong name with a warrior connection. Keep reading to discover more about the name.

Meaning of the name Marchello:

Latin for “warlike; or little warrior”.

Origin of the name Marchello:

Marchello is a variation of the Italian name “Marcello”. From there, “Marcelo” comes from the Latin name “Marcellus”, which is a diminutive form of “Marcus”. So, Marchello is backed with Latin roots.

Symbolism of the name Marchello:

Marchello is a baby name that can symbolism power. The name Marchello represents dignity, respect, and perseverance.

Style of the name Marchello:


Gender of the name Marchello:

Marchello is generally used as a baby name for boys.

Pronunciation of the name Marchello:


Number of syllables in the name Marchello:


Emotion evoked from the name Marchello:

Marchello is a baby name that can bring out feelings of power. The name Marchello also evokes an emotional response filled with confidence and strength.

Alternative spellings for the name Marchello:

  • Marcello
  • Marcelo

Nicknames for the name Marchello:

Popularity of the name Marchello:

Based on information from the Social Security Administration, the baby name Marchello has only ever made the list of the top 1000 baby names on a single occasion. In 1981, Marchello ranked #843. The name has yet to make the list again.

Related names for the name Marchello:

Great middle names for Marchello and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Marchello:

There are no famous people with the baby name Marchello.

Marchellos in movies/pop culture:

Marchello is not a baby name found in regular use within pop culture.

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