

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Pearlie is a derivative of the word name Pearl. Up until 1960, it was one of the top 1,000 baby names for girls in the United States, but these days, it offers a “grandma name” appeal. Before that, it was a fairly common name for boys. Either way, it offers plenty of symbolism. Pair Pearlie with a more current middle name, like Madison or Savannah, to help bring it into the 21 century.

Meaning of the name Pearlie:

English: Pearl

Origin of the name Pearlie:

Pearlie is simply a derivative of the English word name Pearl. A pearl is, of course, a smooth round bead produced by mollusks and other animals and used in jewelry.

Symbolism of the name Pearlie:

Any symbolism found within the name Pearlie most likely relates back to actual pearls. As jewelry, they've been associated with elegance and power, and they're popular with important women like first ladies, royalty, business leaders and famous artists. Pearls have many meanings to many cultures and may also symbolize purity, loyalty, integrity and security.

baby name Pearlie


Style of the name Pearlie:

Old-fashioned, Traditional

Gender of the name Pearlie:

Pearlie is a girl's baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Pearlie:


Number of syllables in the name Pearlie:


Emotion evoked from the name Pearlie:

The baby name Pearlie evokes images of someone who is confident and commands attention.

Alternative spellings for the name Pearlie:

  • Pearly
  • Pearli
  • Pearleigh
  • Pearlee
  • Pearley

Nicknames for the name Pearlie:

Popularity of the name Pearlie:

According to the Social Security Administration, Pearlie was a top 1,000 baby name for girls in the United States until 1960. It last ranked at number 993 in 1960.

Related names for the name Pearlie:

Great middle names for Pearlie and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Pearlie:


Pearlies in popular culture:

  • Pearliein the “Pearlie the Park Fairy” chidlren's book and “Pearlie” TVshow)
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