

Family Life




The Ultimate Emergency Checklist for Babysitters

The Ultimate Emergency Checklist for Babysitters

Key Points

  • Be sure to fill out your information in this checklist completely and go over it with your babysitter before leaving your child.
  • While this checklist includes important information, be sure to include other details that may help your child's caregiver in the event of an emergency.
  • Update this checklist if any of the information changes or anything new needs to be added.

As a parent, it's important to provide clear and concise instructions to your babysitter in case of emergencies. A complete and comprehensive checklist allows you to fill out important details such as emergency contact information, medical information, and allergies, evacuation plans.

By filling out a checklist, you'll equip your babysitter with all the necessary information to handle emergencies confidently and swiftly. Let's dive into our emergency checklist, ensuring a prepared and secure environment for your child under the care of a responsible babysitter.

babysitter and child

Babysitter Information Sheet

Parent Names:
Full Address:

Nearby Landmarks when giving directions:

Home Phone Number:
Fathers Cell Phone:
Mothers Cell Phone:

Children (names and ages):

Important Medical Info:
Child Allergies / Medical Conditions to be aware of:

Emergency Contacts (name, relationship, and phone number):

Nearest neighbors if you need help (name, number, location):

Local Police Phone Number:
Poison Control:
Emergency: 911

Today we are going to:
We will return by:
Special notes:

Emergency Car Kit Instructions and Printables

Reminder for parents: before you leave, get the full name, cell phone number, home phone number, make of car, and license plate number of your sitter, and take this information with you. You never know when you might need this information.

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