

Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes




You Need to Try This 20 Minute Cheeseburger Rice Recipe

easy cheeseburger rice, Meat, Rice - Food Staple, American Culture, Beef, Beef Stew

You Need to Try This 20 Minute Cheeseburger Rice Recipe

Beef and rice are two ingredients that make for the base of a great meal. This 20-minute cheeseburger rice recipe is one that your family is sure to enjoy, and best of all, it won’t take a lot of time out of your busy day. Here’s a bit about the recipe.

Cheese Burger Rice Casserole

Cheeseburger rice casseroles can be made in a variety of ways. The one we have here is pretty basic. To start, all you do is brown the beef and add ketchup and mustard to taste.

©remcoosculiflowers / Free for use, Pixabay – Original / License

If you use Minute Rice, you can add it in uncooked. When everything simmers together, it will cook the rice to perfection. And, of course, sprinkling the cheese on top will be the perfect finishing touch. Everything is better with cheese!

Then, just cool and serve.

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Variations On This Recipe

Of course, there are many variations you can make on this recipe. Some add veggies to give the dish an extra bit of flavor and a healthy dose of vitamins. Onions are often added to give the recipe a kick. Peppers are another delicious addition. Many recipes also include pickles, and we’ve even seen some that add zucchinis!

Different sauces and seasonings can also be used. We’ve seen recipes that call for Worcestershire sauce, steak sauce, or barbecue sauce. Salt and pepper are often added to taste. Garlic powder is another possibility.

When it comes to meat, well, it just wouldn’t be cheeseburger without ground beef, but some recipes add bacon, and we all know that everything is better with bacon!

Another way you can make a variation on the dish is by changing up the cheeses. Traditionally, the recipe is made with cheddar cheese, but Colby Jack is a suitable substitute. Of course, when it comes to cheeses, the sky is the limit, but we think the sharp taste of an orange cheese goes best with this dish.

Cheeseburger Fried Rice

Another way you can play with the recipe is by using different kinds of rice. Minute Rice is preferable as it can be prepared in just minutes, but the brand offers several flavors that can add interest to your dishes. One of these is fried rice.

Fried rice is defined as rice that has been stir-fried in a wok or frying pan. It is usually mixed with ingredients like egg, seafood, vegetables, or meat. Using fried rice in your cheeseburger casserole will give it a different flavor that you may prefer. Because it gives it an Asian twist, you may choose to flavor with soy sauce or other types of condiments that come from the East.

Of course, when thinking of flavored rice, the sky is the limit. Here are some other flavors Minute Rice makes that can give your recipe a specially added kick.

  • Garlic & Olive Oil Jasmine Rice: Jasmine gives the rice a great nutty flavor and being that garlic and olive oil are often added to the dish anyway, you can use this rice and forgo seasoning altogether.
  • Brown Rice: You can kick the health quotient on this dish up a notch by using brown rice. As compared to white rice, it contains extra protein and fiber.
  • Cilantro and Lime Jasmine Rice: Use cilantro and lime rice to give your dish an exotic Latin kick.

This cheeseburger and rice dish has all the flavor of longer-cooking, more complicated beef stew, but with only seven ingredients and easy oven baking. Serve with veggies and a salad or over steak fries for a poutine-like main meal your family is sure to love.

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What to Serve With Cheeseburger Rice

Cheeseburger rice can be its own meal on a busy night, but it can also serve as a great side dish. Chicken is a classic accompaniment to rice, so why not try it with this cheeseburger rice? You can season the chicken however you'd like, but keep in mind that you may want to make it differently than if you were serving it with just plain white rice.

Alternatively, you can try serving this cheeseburger rice with some vegetables for a healthy option. This makes the cheeseburger rice more of a main course, but that's perfectly fine. Grab some frozen vegetables from the store to make it easy on yourself. If you want to keep the cheesy theme, throw some shredded cheese on top of your vegetables while they're still hot.

If you want something a little more complex, try chicken fajitas. The bite of a good chicken fajita will complement the flavors of this cheeseburger rice recipe so wonderfully. Chicken fajitas are on the healthier side, too, making you feel better about serving this to your family. Plus, they're relatively cheap and easy to make. This is especially the case if you make your own tortillas.

Have Your Kids Help Out!

This recipe is a great way to get your kids involved in the kitchen. Cooking with your kids may seem like a daunting task if you've never done it before, but it doesn't have to be something stressful. With the right mindset and a little caution, you can easily have your kids give you a hand with this recipe.

First thing's first: safety. If you want your kids to be able to help you in the kitchen without it turning into a total disaster, you need to establish some ground rules with them. What these rules look like can change depending on the recipe you're making.

Since this recipe involves hot surfaces, you'll definitely want to ensure your kids know how to deal with them. Young children should be told to avoid touching any hot surface. Older children should know to handle these objects with caution. When it comes to sharp objects, like a knife, it's best to handle that yourself.

Making this recipe together will provide you with an opportunity to make great memories with your kids. They won't stop getting older, so it's important to take advantage of every opportunity to bond with them. Cooking together is something they'll look back fondly on!

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20 Minute Cheeseburger Rice

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  • Author: Moms Who Think
  • Total Time: 25 minutes


Not only is this super easy with regular ingredients, but it tastes great too! Cheese and rice added to this beefy main dish makes a homemade hearty dinner ready in a flash.


Units Scale
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 3/4 cups water
  • 2/3 cup ketchup
  • 1 tablespoon prepared mustard
  • 2 cups uncooked minute rice
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese


1. Brown beef in a large non-stick skillet, drain off drippings.

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  • 4-serving meals starting at $3.77 per serving (up to 25% cheaper than HelloFresh).
  • Incredible variety with 10+ weekly meal options, delivered directly to you.
  • Easy to prepare meals ready in 30-minutes or less.
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2. Add water, ketchup, and mustard.

3. Stir well and bring to a boil.

4. Stir in rice, sprinkle with cheese and cover.

5. Cook on low heat for 5 minutes.

  • Prep Time: 5
  • Cook Time: 20
  • Category: Main Course
  • Method: Boiling
  • Cuisine: American
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