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Easy Fun For Kids On Rainy Days

Rainy day activities

Easy Fun For Kids On Rainy Days

A rainy day shouldn’t ruin a kid’s day. Although it may seem that all plans and hopes are dashed, there need not be any worry. There are plenty of activities a kid can do when the weather is more gray than usual. When it rains, it seems that a kid has no choice but to be stuck inside all day. However, that doesn’t mean that being outside is a bad idea either. There are ways to entertain children both inside and outside of the house.

Indoor Activities Are Limitless

Kids can play board games or participate in arts and crafts. They can put on a puppet show or help mom and dad with chores. With so many possibilities of what types of activities there are to do inside the house, a child should not have a reason to be bored.  Other indoor activities include reading, baking, coloring, or even rearranging the bedroom furniture. Parents can set up a scavenger hunt or even ask their children to help them prepare dinner. When a child feels like he or she is helpful, it gives them the sense that they are mature enough to follow direction and can accomplish anything.

Don’t Forget The Outdoor Possibilities

With the ongoing list of possible indoor rainy day activities, what can a child do outside of the house?  Well, if a child isn’t afraid to get wet, why not go outside and have a little fun, too? Splashing in the puddles may seem like a nightmare for parents, but if the appropriate rain gear is worn (raincoat and boots), playing in the rain may not be such a bad idea after all. Most children love the water. As long as parents are outside supervising, being outside in the rain can be a fun activity.

Going on a walk on a rainy day is a wonderful outdoor activity. The world appears different when wet.  Children can see how stoplights are reflected on the concrete or how water runs down trees or buildings.  If a river is close by, seeing the river on a rainy day provides a different perspective for a child than seeing a riverbed with no water in it.

Depending on whether it is a cold or warm rain, getting the kids to put on their bathing suits and going outside is always fun. With water as pure as rain pouring down, kids can get crazy and have a good time.  For the less squeamish kids, see how many frogs are out. Look for ponds and count how many frogs are hopping around. If the kids are brave enough, catching tadpoles and keeping them (with parents’ permission of course) will let the kids see how they mature into frogs. Make sure you help your kids research proper tadpole care!

Who Says Coloring Can Only Happen Indoors?

Coloring sidewalks with chalk when the ground is wet can turn into quite the artistic masterpiece.  The chalk will turn into a paint-like substance and kids can discover their inner artist. This works best when it is steadily raining, rather than a complete downpour. Intense rain will wash away artwork before your kids can finish it!

Safety Precautions When Playing Outdoors in the Rain

Safety first! Your kids may not care too much about taking the proper safety precautions, but you as their parent certainly will! One of the most important things to do is to keep watch for lightning. At any sign of lightning, it is probably a good idea to head indoors. At the very least, stay away from any objects that could conduct electricity. You should also keep an eye out for severe weather. If it begins to hail or rain extremely intensely, head indoors.

Slipping and falling is a risk when your kids are playing on wet pavement. Be prepared for the possibility for injuries, and warn your children to be a little careful. Sliding and falling in the mud is also possible. If you want to avoid messy clothes, have your kids stick to the sidewalk or driveway. Otherwise, have a change of clothes ready for each child, just in case.

If your child will be looking for wild creatures in the rain, remember to ensure the respect the nature around them. They should avoid touching any animal, both because it poses a risk to the animal and because it can get them sick. Plenty of fun can still be had just observing!

Finally, make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Remember that being wet will make someone get colder faster. If it's a chilly day, dress your child to protect them from the cold. Monitor your children and bring them inside if it seems like they're getting too cold or too wet. Have some towels on hand so they can dry off if need be.

With so many activities to do on a rainy day, kids can have the option of either staying dry indoors or being more adventurous jumping in the puddles.

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