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The Best Montessori Products, Reviewed

Balancer toys. Children's wooden toy in the form of an umbrella, color pyramid and educational logic toys for children. Montessori Games for child development.

The Best Montessori Products, Reviewed

Montessori education has been on the rise in recent years. However, this form of education has been around for over one hundred years. Maria Montessori started this instruction format in 1907 in one small schoolhouse specifically for people experiencing poverty in Rome. The philosophies behind the Montessori method are intriguing and also produce many excellent results. Furthermore, one incredible fact about Montessori is that it isn't just reserved for the classroom. Parents are encouraged to start their children's Montessori education when they return home from the hospital and their baby is a newborn. Take one look around, and you can see that there are plenty of Montessori products on the market today. In particular, this article gathers many great Montessori product reviews in one place. So, it's easy to find the best Montessori products today! 

What is Montessori?

Montessori is a form of education that is child-centered. The start of this concept began with Dr. Maria Montessori. She was an educator and Italian Physician. At the root of her educational philosophy lies the belief that children are born with everything they need to succeed, including all the curiosity and desire. Furthermore, Maria believed they need space and freedom to explore the world around them and can do so when the adults in their lives create engaging and stimulating environments. This is made more accessible when children can access hands-on experiences and materials. 

There are a few primary concepts in Montessori. The first one is respect for the child. Maria Montessori encouraged parents and teachers to think of children as individuals who are deserving of respect. Additionally, they are their own unique person, and every child develops at their own pace. With this concept in mind, Montessori education believes children should be allowed to guide their education. 

Secondly, Maria believed that children can self-teach when given a self-directed and stimulating environment. She started with a school for students in poverty in 1907 in Italy. These children were considered unteachable and not capable of learning. However, Maria knew they just needed a different approach to education. Her efforts have continuously expanded throughout the world. This is evident in the schools that exist geared toward a Montessori education; there are over 20,000 Montessori schools worldwide and over 5,000 in the United States. 

black and white portrait of Maria Montessori. She is facing the camera, and appears to be serene. Sh is light-skinned and has wavy dark ear-length hair that she parts in the left. She is dressed in black. hair
Maria Montessori was a Physician in Italy and an educator. She valued children and believed they are all deserving of respect.

©Nationaal Archief 119-0489, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons – License

What Makes a Montessori Toy Different Than a Mainstream Toy?

Now that we know a little about Montessori education, let's talk about toys specifically. What exactly makes a Montessori toy different than a mainstream toy? 

If you peruse the toy aisle in any store, you will quickly be met with a wide array of flashy and noisy toys. Many toys are labeled educational and boast the ability to further a child's learning experience with loud noises and colorful pieces. While these toys are undoubtedly entertaining, a Montessori toy looks different from the more popular toys on those shelves. 

For starters, a Montessori toy takes a simple approach. First, the material of a Montessori toy is natural and environmentally friendly. They are not plastic; they will be either wood, metal, or a mix of fabrics. Additionally, Montessori toys do not use batteries; the purpose of these toys is not for entertainment. Instead, the objective is the engagement of the whole child. 

Additionally, there will be a clear purpose for the toy. These could be to engage a child in mathematics, arts and crafts, or life skills. They will also be realistic toys that enable children to develop fundamental life skills. Montessori toys also encourage independence and freedom. 

Lastly, a home or classroom that adopts the Montessori method of education or life will noticeably have fewer toys. This allows children to focus on specific activities and toys without feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated. 

The Philosophies of Montessori

 A Montessori product is going to promote the philosophies of this educational style. This doesn't mean you have to be entirely Montessori to enjoy all the many benefits and agree with the philosophies of the Montessori method. Here are the philosophies that this method stands for:

  • Respect for the child, their education, and the pace that they go on while learning. 
  • Offering the child self-directed and engaging materials to pique their curiosity and learning. 
  • Parents and teachers are guides that can support and encourage each child. 
  • The whole child deserves social, emotional, cognitive, and physical education. 
  • Children are individuals on their unique academic journeys.

These philosophies have helped many children thrive while on their educational journey. 

Pros and Cons of Montessori Products

Like with any product or method, Montessori products have pros and cons. Let's take a look below at what they are! 

Pro of Montessori ProductsCons of Montessori Products
Products are made of natural materials that are environmentally friendly.Montessori toys and products can be more expensive.
Children develop real-life skills, including fine motor and problem-solving.The allure of mainstream toys can be appealing to children.
Simplicity takes a front seat.Montessori toys may feel limiting.
Children develop real-life skills, including fine motor and problem-solving.Montessori toys and products aren't always easily accessible.
Montessori toys are not overstimulating.Not every product labeled Montessori is actually Montessori.
It is possible to make your own DIY Montessori toys.May seem too simple for older children.
Toys are not noisy or flashy.
Montessori toys and products encourage creativity.
Pros and cons of Montessori toys and products.

Montessori Products, Reviewed

We have reviewed several Montessori products, including toys for various ages, furniture, and books. Now, let's take a look at the product reviews below for the best Montessori toy or furniture for your family! 

The Best Montessori Furniture Reviewed

There are many pros to buying Montessori furniture. For starters, this furniture is simple and will be made of natural materials! This can make your life easier as a parent when you don't have to figure out all the fancy bells and whistles. 

The 5 Best Montessori Learning Towers for Independence look at the best towers to provide a toddler who is curious about the kitchen and loves to help cook! 

The 6 Best Montessori Floor Beds For Toddlers will allow your toddler to develop autonomy and independence while remaining safe.

The 3 Best Montessori Floor Beds With Rails look at a few toddler beds that will give your child added safety and independence! 

The 3 Best Montessori Children's Houses for Play reviews fun playhouses your child will love.

The 3 Best Montessori Beds For Independence reviews a few simple and natural beds that your child will be overjoyed with adding to their room! 

The 6 Best Montessori Toy Storage For Taming Mess considers the best ways to store the toys your child enjoys!.

The 5 Best Montessori Bookshelves For Sparking Creativity give children a great place to store those beloved books while maintaining easy access to them.

The 8 Best Montessori Play Gyms for Active Learning will give your baby an engaging and fun place to grow and develop those important skills!

Montessori bedroom interior with floor bed and toys
Floor beds give children autonomy and independence while also maintaining safety.

©New Africa/Shutterstock.com

The Best Montessori Toys By Ages 

Figuring out the best Montessori toy for your child just got a lot easier! Look at the best Montessori toys below by age range for just the right one. 

Children's wooden toys. Rainbow made of natural wood. Colorful Cubes and pyramid. Montessori toys. Eco-friendly, plastic free toys for kids. Zero waste concept.
There are many engaging and fun Montessori toys for kids. These lists break them down by age group!

©Alice Rodnova/Shutterstock.com

The Best Montessori Products for Development 

The Montessori method believes that all children develop at different stages and ranges. Therefore, finding the best product for development is more about figuring out where your child is at specifically and less about their chronological age. Take a look below to explore the best products for development. 

The 5 Best Montessori Materials For Sparking Creativity will have your child's brain working quickly to come up with unique creations! 

The 5 Best Montessori Climbing Toys For Being Active give children a safe and straightforward place to practice their gross motor skills and have a ball doing it.

The 5 Best Montessori Toys for Learning and Development engage your child's mind and body and assist them while they journey through their education. 

The 4 Best Montessori Kitchens For Play will spark real-life pretend play while developing essential skills. 

The 13 Best Montessori Wooden Toys for Development explore fun and simple toys that most kids will love! 

Student playing independently in Montessori classroom
Montessori products are simple and easy for children to figure out how to use. They will have a clear purpose and a skill in mind.


The Best Montessori Books

The 4 Best Montessori Books For Teachers explore the concepts of the Montessori method and how to implement them in the classroom. 

The 4 Best Montessori Books For Parents give the basic concepts of the Montessori method and ideas on how to bring them to life in your own home. 

The 5 Best Montessori Busy Books For Learning And Development are simple books that kids can engage in and have fun learning! 

The 9 Best Montessori Books For Children are excellent reads and introduce engaging basic real-life concepts to children. 

Woman reading a book
Books are an excellent way to learn more about a concept or idea!

©Beatriz Vera/Shutterstock.com

In Conclusion

There are so many benefits to providing your child with Montessori products. First, they are simple and made of natural materials. They can also be very engaging and serve a purpose, like teaching a fundamental life skill your child will need. These skills can range from fine motor skills, social skills, or even how to clean up after themselves! Focusing on the whole child and respecting their educational journey as individuals is one of the cornerstones of the Montessori method.

Children love Montessori toys for their simplicity. Additionally, the concepts are straightforward and easy to understand. While the flashy noises and colors of a mainstream toy seem appealing, sometimes, it can feel overwhelming for kids. This is also true when a child has too many choices. These Montessori toys offer easy-to-understand concepts and easy-to-play with toys; giving children fewer options will combat the overwhelming feelings!

Be sure to check back often as more and more Montessori product reviews are added to this list! 

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