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The 9 Best Montessori Books For Children

Little toddler girl reading a book

The 9 Best Montessori Books For Children

If you are reading this, you may have heard of the Montessori way of education. However, just in case, let's talk about it. Maria Montessori developed the Montessori education based on the belief that children are all born with the innate desire to learn. She also believed that by keeping play simple, children thrive because their whole selves can be engaged instead of merely entertained. The less frill, the better. This concept applies to toys and books as well. In this post, we will discuss the best Montessori books for children.

What to Look For in a Montessori Book

What should you look for in a Montessori book for your child? Keep it simple! Montessori theory is based on the idea that children do not need the fancy and distracting noise that many mainstream toys and books have. When choosing a book for your child based on the Montessori method, look for one that explores real-life topics your child will be exposed to, like emotions, courage, animals, and more. Look for concepts that do not over-complicate, and refrain from using fancy words that may confuse your child.

Pictures that are easy to understand and simple words are the way to go! However, that doesn't mean that Montessori books are boring. You can find books that meet these characteristics while also engaging your child's wide range of interests! When choosing a book for your child, the goal should always be to introduce them to a wide range of concepts and encourage a love of reading. 

What Makes a Montessori Book Different Than Traditional Books? 

A book that meets the characteristics of a Montessori way of learning will avoid baby talk. Instead, it will introduce concepts based on real life that will engage your child. Many books on the market meet all of these characteristics! 

What Skills Do Montessori Books Focus on?

Montessori books will focus on simple concepts and relate them to everyday skills and life, like exploring emotions. They will help develop reading skills and a love of learning while having kid-friendly covers that appeal to their eye and encourage engagement. Now let's talk about the best Montessori books for children.

  1. Baby Montessori Boxed Set
    • Montessori board book set.
    • Red, white, and black colors.
    • Four books in the set explore shapes, colors, and concepts that will stimulate your infant's mind.
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    02/12/2025 09:45 am GMT
  2. Making Faces: A First Book of Emotions
    • Introduces emotions to your baby.
    • Interesting baby faces will engage your infant's mind.
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    02/12/2025 09:35 am GMT
  3. Hello, Baby Animals
    • Introduce your infant to animals with this adorable black-and-white board book.
    • Encourage recognition of contrasting colors.
    • Simple words introduce your baby to rich language to encourage word recognition.
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    02/12/2025 12:55 pm GMT
  4. Babies in the Forest- A Lift-a-Flap Board Book
    • Lift-the-flap book.
    • Introduce permanence.
    • Encourage memory.

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    02/12/2025 09:49 am GMT
  5. Hands Can
    • Real-life examples are displayed in this book about what hands can do.
    • Simple, rhyming words will ignite your child's memory and give them new concepts to explore with their hands.
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    02/12/2025 09:50 am GMT
  6. Let's Find Momo!: A Hide-and-Seek Board Book
    • Hide-and-seek board book.
    • Encourages your child's cognitive skills by having them search for the dog Momo!
    • Appealing and engaging, this book is a toddler must-have.
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    02/12/2025 09:49 am GMT
  7. I Can Do Hard Things: Mindful Affirmations for Kids
    • Resilience and motivation matter as your child grows older.
    • This book encourages your child to see hard things grow and progress despite struggles.
    • Preserving is a main theme in this book.
    • Black and white pictures.
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    02/12/2025 01:13 pm GMT
  8. Confidence is my Superpower
    • Growing confidence is a central theme in this book.
    • Encourages children to overcome the fear of failure.
    • Facing what life throws at us and preserving is a great characteristic for our children to develop.
    • Affirmation cards are provided, and the story is simple yet applies to everyday life, making it easy and concrete for children to understand.

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    02/12/2025 01:13 pm GMT
  9. Find Your Calm: A Mindful Approach To Relieve Anxiety
    • Anxiety is a very real experience that even children deal with.
    • This book gives your child tools to find a safe space inside themselves when facing anxiety.
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    02/12/2025 09:59 am GMT

The Best Montessori Books For Infants

Books are great to introduce to your infant! By reading to your baby, you encourage their understanding of language while showing them concepts they need to know. Montessori infant books are sturdy board books that have engaging colors and designs. However, they will not be overwhelming to your child and overstimulate them. Below are our top picks! 

Baby Montessori Boxed Set

This adorable boxed set is a great addition to your baby's library. It explores different concepts with black, white, and red colors. Simple enough to help your child see contrasting colors. The simple colors do not overstimulate or overwhelm them, making this box set the perfect Montessori book for your infant.

Baby Montessori Boxed Set
  • Montessori board book set.
  • Red, white, and black colors.
  • Four books in the set explore shapes, colors, and concepts that will stimulate your infant's mind.
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02/12/2025 09:45 am GMT

Making Faces: A First Book of Emotions

A first book of emotions encourages your baby to recognize happy, sad, and mad emotions. The more you read this book, the more they will begin recognizing baby faces. Your baby can practice mimicking each emotion for repetition and memory as they grow older.

Hello, Baby Animals
  • Introduce your infant to animals with this adorable black-and-white board book.
  • Encourage recognition of contrasting colors.
  • Simple words introduce your baby to rich language to encourage word recognition.
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02/12/2025 12:55 pm GMT

Hello, Baby Animals

Hello, Baby Animals is a great color-contrasting book to introduce to your baby. The black and white will keep your baby engaged. The animals and words are simple enough for your child to form memories and cognitive connections.

Making Faces: A First Book of Emotions
  • Introduces emotions to your baby.
  • Interesting baby faces will engage your infant's mind.
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02/12/2025 09:35 am GMT

The Best Montessori Books For Toddlers

Toddlers may still love board books! However, they may also be ready for more expanded concepts and books with sturdy flaps. These books will explore ideas that your child may now be prepared for, such as emotions and shapes. Below are our favorite Montessori books for toddlers! 

Babies in the Forest- A Lift-a-Flap Board Book

With simple words and intriguing pictures, this animal book is a favorite among toddlers. Lift-a-flap board books are great for encouraging focus, recognition of the animals, and permanence.


Babies in the Forest- A Lift-a-Flap Board Book
  • Lift-the-flap book.
  • Introduce permanence.
  • Encourage memory.

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02/12/2025 09:49 am GMT

Hands Can Book

Explore with your toddler what hands can do! The simple words and concepts will give your child confidence in their abilities. When a child is encouraged with what they can do, they will thrive! Your toddler will enjoy this Hands Can book because it will give them ideas they may never have thought about before.

Hands Can
  • Real-life examples are displayed in this book about what hands can do.
  • Simple, rhyming words will ignite your child's memory and give them new concepts to explore with their hands.
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02/12/2025 09:50 am GMT

Let's Find Momo!: A Hide-and-Seek Board Book

Let's Find Momo! is a hide-and-seek book your toddler will love. Find the dog on every page. In doing so, you will reinforce the permanence concept for your toddler. You will also encourage memory, making this book a toddler favorite.

Let's Find Momo!: A Hide-and-Seek Board Book
  • Hide-and-seek board book.
  • Encourages your child's cognitive skills by having them search for the dog Momo!
  • Appealing and engaging, this book is a toddler must-have.
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02/12/2025 09:49 am GMT

The Best Montessori Books For Children

Their reading knowledge and confidence will begin to grow as your child grows. Continue to introduce them to books that give them examples of real life while also exploring what they may be interested in. Great concepts to focus on are those which encourage character growth, such as bravery and honesty! 

I Can Do Hard Things: Mindful Affirmations for Kids

I Can Do Hard Things explores the concept of preserving for children. Even when they have bad days, children learn they can overcome them. This book is sweet and uplifting, giving children a real-life message they can apply to their everyday life.

I Can Do Hard Things: Mindful Affirmations for Kids
  • Resilience and motivation matter as your child grows older.
  • This book encourages your child to see hard things grow and progress despite struggles.
  • Preserving is a main theme in this book.
  • Black and white pictures.
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02/12/2025 01:13 pm GMT

Confidence is my Superpower

Confidence is an important skill for your child to develop. This book explores the theme of confidence and how we can use it for the betterment of our lives and to help others. Your child will be encouraged by the overall theme in this book and story.

Confidence is my Superpower
  • Growing confidence is a central theme in this book.
  • Encourages children to overcome the fear of failure.
  • Facing what life throws at us and preserving is a great characteristic for our children to develop.
  • Affirmation cards are provided, and the story is simple yet applies to everyday life, making it easy and concrete for children to understand.

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02/12/2025 01:13 pm GMT

Find Your Calm: A Mindful Approach To Relieve Anxiety

Simple yet valuable, this book is a wonderful addition to your child's reading library because they will see concrete ways of facing one of life's difficult problems, anxiety.

Find Your Calm: A Mindful Approach To Relieve Anxiety
  • Anxiety is a very real experience that even children deal with.
  • This book gives your child tools to find a safe space inside themselves when facing anxiety.
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02/12/2025 09:59 am GMT

Benefits of Reading to Your Kids

Reading to your children has many benefits. First, it allows for cognitive development every time you read to them, even as an infant! The more your child is exposed to new pictures, colors, ideas, etc. the more their mind grows, allowing for cognitive recognition and extended knowledge. Our children do not show us everything they are learning. Their minds are absorbent and will pick up on everything!

Your child will develop a more extensive vocabulary and will be able to understand the meaning of words before they can say them. The more your child is exposed to a large host of words, the more generous their vocabulary will be. Their understanding of words will also grow.

Reading to your child will introduce them to real-life concepts and encourage their imagination. Montessori books involve people and real-life situations. This will help your child learn empathy for someone who may be outside of their world.

Lastly, reading to your child helps improve their focus and their memory. Your child will be transported to a whole different world. They will learn about different ideas they may never have been exposed to, such as a different culture or way of life. These are all tremendous benefits for your child! 

In Conclusion

Montessori books are similar to mainstream books. They encourage learning real-life concepts that will benefit your child as they grow. Montessori books are simple yet engaging. There is no point in adding frills simply for entertainment. The Montessori method looks at children as whole people, which builds your child's confidence in their skills. These books will encourage your child to learn and engage them as a whole child while also allowing them to explore their interests. Books are a fantastic way to do it! 

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