

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Fernando is one of the more popular names not only in the United States, but throughout the western hemisphere. Frequently seen in both literary characters as well as star athletes, there is a reason that the name is so beloved. Read on to learn more about this fantastic name.

Meaning and Origin of the name Fernando:

Fernando is a Spanish and Portuguese boy's name meaning “adventurer,” “bold voyager,” or “brave in peace.”

Fernando is a common surname in many countries, such as Spain, Portugal, and Italy. It is derived from the German name Ferdinand, which means “bold voyager” or “brave in peace.” Ferdinand combines the elements of farð (meaning “journey”), frith (meaning “protection”), or frið (meaning “peace”) and nanth (meaning “courage”) or nand (meaning “ready, prepared”).

Symbolism of the name Fernando:

Fernando symbolizes dual hopes for a child, both that he will grow up to be strong as well as a man of peace. Likewise, the name tends to symbolizes a kind of quiet masculinity.

Nicknames for the name Fernando:

Nando is the most common nickname for Fernando. There are some other options for nicknames if you are looking for a variety. Take a look at the list of nicknames below. It's a short list, but it will give you ideas for nicknames and might spark some inspiration to create your own.

  • Ferdie
  • Nando
  • Nan
  • Ferd

Style of the name Fernando:


Gender of the name Fernando:

Fernando is almost always used as a name for boys.

Pronunciation of the name Fernando:


Number of syllables in the name Fernando:


Emotion evoked from the name Fernando:

Fernando typically evokes emotions of pride and confidence in those who view the name.

Alternative spellings for the name Fernando:

  • Fernandoh
  • Fernandoe
  • Fearnando

Popularity of the name Fernando:

According to the Social Security Administration, Fernando is currently ranked as the 342nd most popular baby names for boys of of 1000. The name peaked in popularity at number 155 in 2004, but it has ranked in the top 1000 for almost every year that the Social Security Administration has kept track of name popularity.

Great middle names for Fernando and their meanings:

  • Victor (conqueror)
  • Jorge (farmer)
  • Carlos (free man)
  • Esteban (crown)
  • Enrique (power)
  • Javier (bright)
  • Diego (supplaner)
  • Napoleon (lion of Naples)

Famous people with the name Fernando:

  • Fernando Sucre (character, Prison Break)
  • Fernando (character, For Whom the Bell Tolls)
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