

Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes




You Need to Try This Wonderful Beef Brisket with Onion Sauce Recipe

Beef Brisket in Onion Sauce

You Need to Try This Wonderful Beef Brisket with Onion Sauce Recipe

Do you need a great beef brisket recipe? There are so many different choices available, both online and in cookbooks. Throw in the family recipes that get tossed around, and it can be hard to know which one to make! You don't want to waste meat with a terrible recipe, so picking the right one is important.

Fortunately, we've got a great recipe here for you. This recipe for beef brisket is easy, simple, and delicious. No complicated steps or unnecessary fluff can be found here! We only use the ingredients that are absolutely necessary. On top of that, we've taken care to ensure this brisket won't dry out while cooking.

If you love beef brisket, preparing it in an onion sauce will give it a flavorful taste that will elevate the recipe. Read on to find out tips to prevent the meat from drying out while it’s cooking, as well as some other preparations you might want to try.

After you're finished with this recipe, check out the other great recipes we have available on Moms Who Think. From more great meat recipes to vegetarian-friendly ones, we've covered all the bases. Take a look at our dessert recipes for a dish that you can cap this brisket meal off with!

Brisket in Oven

Brisket is a cut of meat from the breast or lower chest of the animal. It can be cooked in many ways, including roasting, boiling, and baking. The meat tends to be tough, so it is often basted during the cooking process. Basting involves pouring the juices over the cut, and it works to keep the meat tender and juicy.

In the recipe we have here, the meat is first cooked in boiling water and then simmered with vegetables and seasonings. Once that is done, the meat is covered with egg and dry breadcrumbs and it is put in the oven to bake.

It is important that the meat does not become dried out while it is baking. The egg mixture will help keep it moist to a point, and so will the addition of the onion sauce, but here are a few more pointers for keeping the brisket moist in the oven.

It is important to note that no two briskets are the same, so the optimal cooking procedure will vary depending on the cut. If you pull it from the oven too soon, it will be tough and if you pull it too late, it will be dry.

To avoid dryness, choose the point cut of the beef and avoid the flat. The point has more fat, which will keep it nice and juicy. Of course, if you want to avoid fat and go with a flat cut, inject with a marinade to keep the juices in.

Cooking Brisket

In this recipe, we have both simmered and baked the brisket, but there are many other cooking methods you can use. One of the most popular methods in the United States involves rubbing the beef with a spice rub or marinating it and then cooking it slowly over a grill or flame. This works to give the meat a great, smoky flavor.

Often, after this process is done, pieces of meat can be returned to the grill to make burnt ends. These are popularly served on open-faced white bread as a Kansas City-style barbecue dish.

Meat can also be prepared in a slow cooker. This is a great way to bring out the flavor while keeping the meat moist and tender.

Here are some ways brisket is cooked in other cultures:

  • Jewish culture: Brisket is popular in Jewish cooking and it is often braised in a pot roast.
  • Hong Kong: In Hong Kong, brisket is often cooked over low heat until tender and served with noodles.
  • Korea: In Korean cooking, brisket is cooked over low heat and simmered with vegetables. It is then marinated in a soy sauce-based mixture and served as strips in accompaniment to a meal.
  • New Zealand: In New Zealand, brisket is served as a boil up meal cooked in seasoned water with green vegetables and potatoes.

The recipe we are offering here is a take-off on the American classic. It has all the flavor of longer cooking, more complicated beef stew, but with only seven ingredients and easy oven baking. Serve over steak fries for a poutine-like main meal or with veggies and a salad for a dish your family is sure to love.

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Low Carb Dinner Ideas

Beef Brisket with Onion Sauce

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  • Author: Moms Who Think
  • Total Time: 35 minutes


This has all the flavor of a longer cooking, more complicated beef stew, but with only 7 ingredients and easy oven baking. Serve over steak fries for a poutine-like main meal.


Units Scale
  • 4 pounds beef brisket
  • 1 carrot, diced
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 4 whole black peppercorns
  • 3 whole cloves
  • 1 egg, slightly beaten
  • 1 medium tomato, chopped
  • 1/2 cup dry bread crumbs


1. Cover meat with boiling water.

2. Add vegetables and seasonings.

3. Simmer until tender, about 3 hours.

4. Remove meat from liquid, place in shallow baking dish.

5. Reserve 2 cups of the beef-onion stock. Add the chopped tomato and stir.

6. Spread egg over meat; sprinkle with dry bread crumbs.

7. Bake at 400°F for 20 minutes or until brown.

8. Make an onion sauce with reserved beef-onion stock and serve with meat.

9. Serve over steak fries if desired.

  • Prep Time: 15 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 Minutes
  • Category: Main Course
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American
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