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How to Create a Garden That Attracts Butterflies

butterfly on a flower

How to Create a Garden That Attracts Butterflies

Springtime is all about the outdoors — getting outside and marveling as nature wakes up from its winter hibernation. And it's also about gardening. Whether you're a master gardener or just starting out, making gardening a family affair is part of the fun. While many people enjoy growing fruits and veggies (how could you not?!), today we're focusing on butterfly gardening — or said differently, how to create a garden that attracts butterflies. It's easy to attract these wonderful insects with a few tips for planting and maintaining the right plants. Here's how to get started!

Designing a butterfly garden is like having a blank canvas — the possibilities of what to include in your design are endless. As fun as the design aspect is, you'll need to do a little homework first. Before you begin your butterfly garden, find out which species of butterflies are in your area. Consider taking an exploratory hike in a nearby park or nature center with a butterfly identification book. Or if time doesn't allow, then simply start by Googling “butterfly species in [YOUR TOWN]”.

blue butterfly on a pink flower
By finding out which butterflies are native to your area, you can then research what flowers are most attractive to them. And then voila! Beautiful flowers AND butterflies in NO time!

How to Make A Butterfly Garden

After you put together a list of local butterfly species, write down what these particular species of butterflies use for nectar and food plants. This is the start of your design and will ensure you get the right plants to attract these beauties.

Once you know what plants you'll be using, it's time to design. Be sure that your garden is in a location that provides at least six hours of sunlight per day. Butterflies are cold-blooded creatures and thrive where they are warm and sheltered. Wind can be a butterfly's worst enemy, so be sure to have plenty of wind protection in your design. You can plant tall shrubs and other plants in order to create a wind break, but a location that avoids heavy winds is even better. And be sure to plant your butterfly garden near a window so you can marvel at the butterflies when they stop by!

Once you draw out your plan with enough space for each plant, head to your local garden center or mail order catalog. Plant at the right time for your area, and you'll be enjoying your efforts in no time (along with quite a few butterfly friends).

Can My Kids Help With The Butterfly Garden?

Your kids can absolutely help you create a butterfly garden. Planting a butterfly garden together will help them develop an appreciation for the nature around them, all while making lasting memories with you. Take this opportunity to teach your kids all about butterflies and why they're important.

Your kids can go with you to the garden shop to pick out the plants you'll be including in this garden. Once you have all the supplies on hand, have your kids help you arrange them in your yard. If you have smaller plants, your children can help you plant those. Make sure you teach them proper planting techniques, and remind them to be gentle when handling a plant.

Kids will love helping you monitor and maintain the butterfly garden. Have them help you weed it, or have them weed it themselves if they're old enough. Having extra hands around to help with the yardwork is always useful.

If you happen to find a cocoon in your butterfly garden, allow your children to collect it and keep it until the butterfly emerges. There are many cocoon houses available online, so you should be able to pick one up easily. We advise getting one in advance, so you're ready if your child happens to find one out in the garden.

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