While Vancouver is loved by many tourists for its incredible scenery and various activities, it is also home to a plethora of schools. The public schools cover 58 square miles in Clark County and the standard of education is considered excellent. With multiple schools in the area, both public and independent, some of them are larger than others. In this article, we will be discussing the largest schools in Vancouver today. We will be focusing solely on public schools. The ratings will be based on the population of each school.
1. Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School – 2,055

©Arnold C, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License
As one of the largest schools in Vancouver, Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School is one of three International Baccalaureat schools in the area. Additionally, it is one of three French Immersion secondary schools in Vancouver. With a student population of 2,055, it is a very popular school choice. With a diverse student population, this school offers students who were born in over 50 different countries. Additionally, it is one of only two District Autism Resource Programs. Also, it offers courses and departments in Technology, Home Economics, Visual and Performing Arts, Business Education, and more.
2. Killarney Secondary School – 2,000

©Arnold C, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License
This school, located in Vancouver, is the largest secondary school by area. However, its student population is approximately 2,000 students. This school, grades 8-12, places emphasis on math and science. Additionally, it has a well-known Fine Arts Program. They have a teaching staff of 167 and offer a plethora of extracurricular activities.
3. Vancouver Technical Secondary School – 1,650

©Arnold C, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License
This school is often referred to as Van Tech and offers Advanced Placement, Flex Humanities, French Immersion, and other programs to its students. Initially, when it opened in 1916, it was a boys-only school. As the school expanded and new buildings were added things changed. Girls were admitted to the school in 1940 and were given their own wing in the school. Vancouver Technical offers two Mini School Programs. Those programs include Summit and Flex Humanities. Summit is a five-year program that focuses on enhancing the four academic courses. Flex Humanities focuses on integrating Philosophy, World Literature, History, Fine Arts, Film and Media Studies, and Integrated Arts and Technology.
4. David Thompson Secondary School – 1,451

Located in Central Vancouver, this secondary school opened in 1958. It is located between Killarney Secondary School and Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School. The school is full of rich history, inspired by David Thompson. David was a geographer, surveyor, explorer, and fur trader. His maps and journals are a primary source of Candian history. Students in this school excel in Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and English.
5. Eric Hamber Secondary School – 1,405

©Arnold C, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License
This public secondary school is located in the South Cambie neighborhood. It has a high success rate with about 70 percent of its seniors graduating with honors. As one of the largest schools in Vancouver, this secondary school was named after Eric Hamber. Eric was an athlete, a businessman, and an honorable member of the community. The school honors him with their school colors, maroon, and light blue.
6. Gladstone Secondary School – 1,340

©Arnold C, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License
This large school in Vancouver gets its name from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, William Ewart Gladstone. Mr. Gladstone was Prime Minister four times between the years of 1868 and 1894. The property on which the school is built used to be an old farm, but was designated to become a school in the 1920s. However, due to the depression, construction did not start until 1949. With a school motto of “By Faith and By Courage,” students here are encouraged to achieve excellence.
7. Kitsilano Secondary School – 1,330

©Bob_2006, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License
This school has been described as the heart of the neighborhood and has been revered for constantly adapting to the times. Kitsilano offers several district programs such as French immersion as well as on-site pre-employment. Additionally, it offers Advanced Placement Programs to its students. Besides being known for offering great education to its students, Kitsalon is also known for the various films that were shot there such as “The Santa Claus 2” and “Jump Street.”
8. Lord Byng Secondary School – 1,268

©Arnold C, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License
This school opened in 1925 and is now a public secondary school serving grades 8-12. This school offers excellent programs in performance and visual arts programming. Additionally, it offers computer sciences, traditional academic programs, and the Byng Arts Mini School Program. This is a program that places the student’s artistic development at the forefront of their education. Students in this program typically specialize in Visual Arts, Band, Strings, or Theater.
9. Magee Secondary School – 1,199

©Arnold C, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License
This large secondary school in Vancouver follows the traditional BC high school curriculum. This means offering courses in English, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Also, language courses are offered in Japanese, French, and Spanish. This school prides itself on finding strength in diversity and fostering a caring school community.
10. Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School – 1,160

This school opened in 1959 and originally only served grades 7, 8, and 9. Now, it serves grades 8-12 and has a student population of 1,160 students. They included these additional grades by 1965. While there is some dark history in past years at the school, the new school culture is much more uplifting. Their school motto of ROARS, standing for Respect, Ownership, Attitude, Responsibility, and Safety, shows the school's core values. In addition to traditional school programs, Tupper also offers Mini School and Tupper Tech programs.
11. John Oliver Secondary School – 1,150

Beginning in 1912, this secondary school is full of rich history. This school is a great demonstration of the changes to the education system in the 20th century. It offers a comprehensive curriculum, including but not limited to STEM programs. Additionally, this school aims to enhance the intellectual, emotional, and physical potential of all students who attend.
12. Windermere Community Secondary School – 1,009

©Juice Flair/Shutterstock.com
This large secondary school in Vancouver offers a diverse student population. With 32 languages spoken by students and a population ranging from over 40 different countries. This school is dedicated to enhancing students and providing them with a challenging and safe learning environment. With a student population of 1,009, it is no wonder why it makes it onto the largest schools in Vancouver list.
Public Schools In Vancouver: A-K
Below is a table that showcases the public schools in Vancouver, their grade levels, and their student population. It is sorted alphabetically.
School Name | Grade | Population |
Admiral Seymour Elementary | K-7 | 150 |
Bayview Community Elementary | K-7 | 289 |
Britannia Community Elementary | K-7 | 188 |
Britannia Community Secondary | 8-12 | 758 |
Captain James Cook Elementary | K-7 | 460 |
Carnarvon Community Elementary | K-7 | 375 |
Champlain Heights Annex | K-3 | 100 |
Champlain Heights Community Elementary | K-7 | 300 |
Charles Dickens Annex | K-3 | 105 |
Charles Dickens Elementary | K-7 | 470 |
Chief Maquinna Elementary | K-7 | 220 |
Collingwood Neighbourhood School | K-3 | 139 |
Crosstown Elementary | K-7 | 415 |
David Livingstone Elementary | K-7 | 290 |
David Lloyd George Elementary | K-7 | 430 |
David Oppenheimer Elementary | K-7 | 425 |
David Thompson Secondary | 8-12 | 1,451 |
Dr A R Lord Elementary | K-7 | 193 |
Dr Annie B Jamieson Elementary | K-7 | 500 |
Dr George M Weir Elementary | K-7 | 453 |
Dr h N MacCorkindale Elementary | K-7 | 275 |
Dr R E McKechnie Elementary | K-7 | 266 |
École Jules Quesnel Elementary | K-7 | 335 |
Edith Cavel Elementary | K-7 | 300 |
Elsie Roy Elementary | K-7 | 429 |
Emily Carr Elementary | K-7 | 300 |
Eric Hamber Secondary | 8-12 | 1,405 |
False Creek Elementary | K-7 | 249 |
Florence Nightingale Elementary | K-7 | 260 |
G T Cunningham Elementary | K-7 | 428 |
General Brock Elementary | K-7 | 250 |
General Gordon Elementary | K-7 | 440 |
General Wolfe Elementary | K-7 | 450 |
Gladstone Secondary | 8-12 | 1,340 |
Graham Bruce Community Elementary | K-7 | 198 |
Grandview Elementary | K-7 | 184 |
Hastings Community Elementary | K-7 | 630 |
Henry Hudson Elementary | K-7 | 398 |
J.W. Sexsmith Community Elementary | K-7 | 338 |
John Henderson Elementary | K-7 | 520 |
John Oliver Secondary | 8-12 | 1,150 |
Kerrisdale Annex | K-2 | 100 |
Kerrisdale Elementary | K-7 | 650 |
Killarney Secondary | 8-12 | 2,000 |
King George Secondary | 8-12 | 500 |
Kitsilano Secondary | 8-12 | 1,330 |
Public Schools In Vancouver: L-S
School Name | Grade | Population |
L'école Bilingue Elementary | K-7 | 495 |
Laura Secord Elementary | K-7 | 665 |
Lord Beaconsfield Elementary | K-7 | 230 |
Lord Byng Secondary | 8-12 | 1,268 |
Lord Kitchener Elementary | K-7 | 480 |
Lord Nelson Elementary | K-7 | 450 |
Lord Roberts Annex | K-3 | 145 |
Lord Roberts Elementary | K-7 | 450 |
Lord Selkirk Annex | K-4 | 89 |
Lord Selkirk Elementary | K-7 | 745 |
Lord Strathcona Community Elementary | K-7 | 450 |
Lord Tennyson Elementary | K-7 | 414 |
Magee Secondary | 8-12 | 1,199 |
Maple Grove Elementary | K-7 | 418 |
Mount Pleasant Elementary | K-7 | 242 |
Nootka Community Elementary | K-7 | 425 |
Norma Rose Point Elementary Junior | K-7 | 743 |
Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary | K-7 | 193 |
Point Grey Secondary | 8-12 | 919 |
Prince of Wales Secondary | 8-12 | 900 |
Queen Alexandra Elementary | K-7 | 280 |
Queen Elizabeth Annex | K-3 | 70 |
Queen Elizabeth Elementary | K-7 | 402 |
Queen Mary Elementary | K-7 | 350 |
Queen Victoria Annex | K-5 | 155 |
Quilchena Elementary | K-7 | 185 |
Renfrew Community Elementary | K-7 | 445 |
Shaughnessy Elementary | K-7 | 478 |
Simon Fraser Elementary | K-7 | 327 |
Sir Alexander Mackenzie Elementary | K-7 | 425 |
Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith | K-7 | 264 |
Sir Charles Tupper Secondary | 8-12 | 1,160 |
Sir James Douglass Annex | K-3 | 510 |
Sir James Dougless Elementary | K-7 | 510 |
Sir John Franklin Community | K-7 | 189 |
Sir Richard McBride Annex | K-3 | 56 |
Sir Richard McBride Elementary | K-7 | 350 |
Sir Sandford Fleming Elementary | K-7 | 455 |
Sir Wilfred Grenfell Community | K-7 | 378 |
Sir Wilfred Laurier Elementary | K-7 | 283 |
Sir William Osler Elementary | K-7 | 220 |
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary | 8-12 | 2,055 |
Sir Wm Van Horne Elementary | K-7 | 430 |
Southlands Elementary | K-7 | 230 |
Public Schools In Vancouver: T
School Name | Grade | Population |
Tecumseh Annex | K-3 | 69 |
Tecumseh Elementary | K-7 | 411 |
Templeton Secondary | 8-12 | 801 |
Thunderbird Elementary | K-7 | 240 |
Tillicum Community Annex | K-4 | 100 |
Trafalgar Elementary | K-7 | 446 |
Tyee Elementary | K-7 | 190 |
Public Schools In Vancouver: U-Z
School Name | Grade | Population |
University Hill Elementary | K-7 | 496 |
University Hill Secondary | 8-12 | 655 |
Vancouver Alternate School | 8-12 | N/A |
Vancouver Technical Secondary | 8-12 | 1,650 |
Walter Moberly Elementary | K-7 | 490 |
Waverly Elementary | K-7 | 395 |
Windermere Community Secondary | 8-12 | 1,009 |
Xpey' Elementary | K-7 | 83 |
wekwanes te syaqem Elementary School | K-7 | N/A |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Engel Ching/Shutterstock.com.