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Shamya is a name with very different meanings depending on its culture of origin. This makes it a fitting name for many different children. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Shamya:

Hindi: Earth
Urdu: Blessings or habit

Origin of the name Shamya:

Shamya is an Indian name of either Hindi or Urdu origins that can mean either Earth, blessings, or habit.

Symbolism of the name Shamya:

Shamya can symbolize different things depending on its culture of origin. For some, it is a symbol of strength and perseverance. For others, it is an aspirational name that calls for blessings for a daughter.

Gender of the name Shamya:

Shamya can be a name for either a boy or a girl.

Pronunciation of the name Shamya:


Number of syllables in the name Shamya:


Emotion evoked from the name Shamya:

Shamya tends to evoke emotions of either pride or happiness in those who hear the name.

Alternative spellings for the name Shamya:

Nicknames for the name Shamya:

Popularity of the name Shamya:

According to the Social Security Administration, Shamya has never ranked on the list of the most popular baby names in the United States.

Related names for the name Shamya:

Great middle names for Shamya and their meanings:

  • Sabah (morning)
  • Tala (palm tree)
  • Nadia (delicate)
  • Marwa (smooth, white rock)
  • Abhik (fearless)
  • Harman (from the heart of god)
  • Joshit (joy and happiness)
  • Kushal (clever)

Famous people with the name Shamya:

  • Shamya Dasgupta (Indian writer)

Shamyas in popular culture:

  • Shamya (character from the webnovel BlueCore)
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