

Thanksgiving Recipes


Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce, Cranberry Sauce, Above, Anise, Appetizer, Autumn

Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce is one of those dishes that you tend to think about around the holidays and forget about the rest of the year. That’s a shame because it’s pretty delicious and can easily be served any time of year. That sweet, tangy sauce is the perfect complement to many types of meats, and it’s a refreshing side dish for any occasion.

This Cranberry Sauce recipe is a very basic one, but it’s still packed with flavor. The oranges ad a hint of acidity that cuts through the sweetness and of the cranberries and rounds out the tanginess. The nuts add great crunch and texture, and the grated ginger gives it a warm flavor. You can eat it on your favorite meat, alongside turkey, on a muffin or your favorite bread, or just enjoy it with a spoon.

Cranberry Sauce Recipe Variation

Everyone has their own way of making sauce or certain flavors; they remember being in a family recipe. You can use this recipe as a base to make your favorite version of the sauce. If you like other things in your sauce, such as different nuts, other fruits, or whipped cream, you can easily add them to this simple Cranberry Sauce recipe to get the flavor you crave.

What Foods Go Well With Cranberry Sauce?

You probably eat Cranberry Sauce during the holidays with turkey and ham, but it actually compliments a lot of other food nicely too. It’s great when served with duck, chicken, pork, and beef. It goes well with other vegetables and sides also. Many people enjoy mashed potatoes alongside their cranberries because the combination of salty, creamy potatoes goes nicely with the sweet and tangy sauce.

Cranberry Sauce in a serving bowl next to a bowl full of fresh cranberries
Cranberry Sauce is a tangy, delicious part of Thanksgiving dinner. Making it fresh makes it great!

Serving the Cranberry Sauce

When you serve your sauce, you have a few different options. You can mix it up in your favorite casserole dish or glass bowl and place it on the table for guests to enjoy on their own. You can also serve it in individual dishes and allow guests to add their favorite toppings to their personal portion. You can even add it to your meat as a sauce and serve it all together. You can also top it with a sprig of mint to add some color and complete the plating of the dish.

This sauce is sure to please everyone, and you can even make it a day or two ahead of time. In fact, allowing it to chill overnight before service will actually give the flavors time to mix and can make it taste even better.

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Cranberry Sauce, Cranberry Sauce, Above, Anise, Appetizer, Autumn

Cranberry Sauce

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  • Author: MomsWhoThink
  • Total Time: 22 minutes


  • 1½ cups sugar
  • 1 navel orange
  • ½ teaspoon grated ginger
  • 4 cups cranberries
  • ½ cup (2 ounces) toasted pecans


  1. Grate the orange peel and add to a pot with the sugar and ginger.
  2. Add the juice from the orange into the pot and simmer over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved.
  3. Add cranberries and cook until they pop – about 5 minutes.
  4. Add pecans and cool sauce.
  • Prep Time: 7
  • Cook Time: 15
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