



Learning & Activities


The 120 Best Trivia For Kids With Answers

Riddles for Kids

The 120 Best Trivia For Kids With Answers

Trivia Can Be Fun! 

Many people love trivia games. Learning exciting facts or reinforcing what we already know can be enthralling! Games like trivia help open up a child's mind to the wonders of the world around us. For example, did you know that a cloud could weigh over 1 million pounds or that an 11-year-old boy accidentally invented the popsicle? These questions are fun trivia for kids and adults alike!

Print them off and use them on your next trivia game night. The questions can be used as conversation starters or prompts to keep your mind curious. There are so many different opportunities when it comes to trivia! Trivia questions are a great way to learn facts or delve deep into an interest.

How To Use These Trivia Questions

There are so many different ways to use these trivia questions. You could split them into groups and ask your children questions based on categories. These questions can be used on a family game night. Put these questions in a jar and ask one a day. Your child may love to learn these interesting facts. These trivia questions can be used during dinner to start an exciting conversation. However you decide to use these questions, the possibilities are endless! So, let's get started with these fun questions. 

Questions For Young Kids

These are questions to ask young children, ages 3-6, to explore different topics they enjoy or are learning about! 

babysitter and childAsking small children questions is a great way to learn their interests.
Asking small children questions is a great way to learn their interests.

Q: What animal is white and has black spots?

A: Cow

Q: What flies in the sky but carries people?

A: Airplane

Q: What animal hoots? 

A: Owl

Q: What colors are in the rainbow?

A: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet

Q: How many planets are there in our solar system? 

A: Eight planets

Q: What animal says meow?

A: Cat

Q: What shape has three sides?

A: Triangle

Q: What animal can run as fast as a horse?

A: Cheetah

Q: How many arms do octopuses have? 

A: Eight

Q: What color is a giraffe's tongue? 

A: Black, although it can also appear blue or purple

Q: What is the biggest planet? 

A: Jupiter

Q: How do dogs stay cool? 

A: By panting

Q: What does the ocean taste like? 

A: Salt

Q: What is the biggest bird? 

A: Ostrich

Q: What is a baby shark called?

A: A pup

Q: Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? 

A: Fruit 

Q: How many eyes do caterpillars have? 

A: Twelve, six on each side 

Q: How does a frog drink water?

A: Through its skin

Q: What color is an octopus's blood? 

A: Blue

Q: What bird can fly backward?

A: Hummingbird 

Science Trivia

Does your child love science? These intriguing trivia questions are great to ask a science-loving child!

An illustration left frame: A light-skinned human figure is seen wearing a white shirt with their right arm outstretched and in their upturned palm is a spherical object,(center frame) like the planet earth, with many lights bouncing off of it. At the so here’s bottom center near the hand that is holding it is a bright orange yellow light. The illustration is to show holding the universe within the palm of one’s hand.Science trivia can expand your child's mind to think about outside topics they have never explored.
Science trivia can expand your child's mind to think about outside topics they have never explored.

Q: What animals have been to outer space?

A: Chimpanzees, monkeys, dogs, guinea pigs, and mice

Q: How many earths can fit inside the sun? 

A: One million

Q: How much can a cloud weigh?

A: Over one million pounds

Q: How long does the human body take to digest food? 

A: 12 hours

Q: How much saliva does your mouth create in one day?

A: One liter of saliva

Q: How many bones are in the human body?

A: 206

Q: What is the name of the nearest star to Earth, not including the sun? 

A: Proxima Centauri, it is 4.4 light years away!

Q: How many times do our hearts beat a day?

A: 115,200 times a day

Q: What is hotter than the sun?

A: A bolt of lightning is five times hotter than the sun!  

Animal Trivia

puppy and kittenAnimal trivia is a child's favorite! Get to know more about animals all around the world.
Animal trivia is a child's favorite! Get to know more about animals all around the world.

Learn more interesting facts about animals around the world. 

Q: What is the heaviest elephant recorded? 

A: 24,000 pounds

Q: How many times per second can hummingbirds beat their wings? 

A:  200 times

Q: How much can a giant tortoise weigh?

A: Up to 500 pounds

Q: What is the largest land mammal on Earth? 

A: African Elephants

Q: How long are elephants pregnant? 

A: 22 months

Q: What is the nickname of a manatee?

A: A sea cow

Q: What is a shark's skeleton made up of? 

A: Cartilage 

Q: How old was the oldest sloth ever recorded?

A: 51 years and 325 days old

Q: What color is a polar bear's fur?

A: Although the air around it makes a polar bear's coat appear white, it is colorless! 

Q: What is the fastest land animal in the world? 

A: Cheetah

Q: How many species of animals have pouches?

A: 250 animals have a pouch!

Q: How long can a tarantula spider go without food?

A: More than two years

Q: What is a male rabbit called?

A: A buck

Q: What is a group of owls called? 

A: A parliament

Q: How many muscles does a cat have in its ear? 

A: 32

Q: Where are a dog's sweat glands? 

A: Between its paws

Q: How big does a panda weigh at birth? 

A: On average, around four ounces

Q: How many hours a day do ferrets sleep? 

A: Around 18 hours a day!

Q: What color is a hippo's sweat? 

A: Hippos do not have sweat glands. So they secrete a substance called “blood sweat” because it looks like they are sweating blood! Don't worry. It's not blood. This substance protects the hippo from sunburning and is red and sometimes appears pink.

History Trivia

Liberty BellHistory trivia doesn't have to be boring! Interesting trivia questions can ignite an interest in history that your child hasn't had before.
History trivia doesn't have to be boring! Interesting trivia questions can ignite an interest in history that your child hasn't had before.

History is important to learn, and it doesn't have to be boring! Here are interesting historical facts to ask your child. 

Q: How long was the shortest war in history? 

A: 38 minutes! This war was The Anglo-Zanzibar War

Q: What vegetable was thought to be evil for a long time? 

A: The potato

Q: Who invented the popsicle? 

A: 11-year-old Frank Epperson, on accident! In 1905 Frank left his stirring stick in a cup of soda. In the evening, it got really cold, freezing the soda around the stick. That is when the popsicle was invented!

Q: What did ancient Egyptians use as pillows? 

A: Stone pillows, ouch!

Q: Who was the first president to use a car while in office? 

A: President William Taft 

Q: Who was the youngest person to be elected president? 

A: John F Kennedy at age 43

Q: What animals once attacked Napoleon Bonaparte?

A: A horde of bunnies

Q: What birds were once worshipped?

A: Turkeys 

Q: Who was the first president to live in the White House?

A: John Adams

Q: What antibiotic was discovered by accident? 

A: Penicillin, in 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered mold had killed the staphylococcus bacteria after leaving it carelessly out and contaminated for two weeks.

Q: What animals were once kept in the London Tower?

A: Lions, leopards, tigers, eagles, pumas, and a jackal

Fine Arts Trivia

Development of movements of one beautiful ballerina dancing isolated on dark background in mixed neon light. Concept of art, beauty, aspiration, creativity.Fine arts are everywhere! These trivia questions will open up a world of fine arts for your child to explore.
Fine arts are everywhere! These trivia questions will open up a world of fine arts for your child to explore.

Art is all around us. So many different aspects make up fine arts. Here are great questions to ask today. 

Q: How many Starry Nights Did Van Gogh paint?

A: Two

Q: Who painted the Mona Lisa?

A: Leonardo Da Vinci

Q: When was ballet invented?

A: Around 1500 in Italy

Q: What form of art uses dots? 

A: Pointillism

Q: Which painting has its own mailbox?

A: The Mona Lisa

Q: What painting is the most expensive?

A: Salvator Mundi, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, was sold for $450.5 million

Q: How many people made up the world's longest conga line? 

A: 119,986 people made up the world's longest conga line in 1988

Q: What was one of the first musical instruments discovered? 

A: A bone flute

Q: How old was Mozart when he composed his first opera?

A: 14 years old

Nature Trivia

Malibu Creek State ParkThe world is an exciting place! These trivia questions ignite a spark of curiosity in our natural world.
The world is an exciting place! These trivia questions ignite a spark of curiosity in our natural world.

What better way to get to know the world around us than with nature trivia questions? 

Q: How long was the longest record of a chicken flying?

A: 13 seconds

Q: What is the most extensive reef system in the world?

A: The Great Barrier Reef is 1,429 miles long

Q: What animal can open a complex lock?

A: A Raccoon 

Q: How many hearts does an octopus have?

A: Three

Q: How big can giant water lilies grow? 

A: Over six feet

Q: Which ocean is the saltiest?

A: Atlantic Ocean

Q: How many thunderstorms happen in a day around the world?

A: Around 40,000 a day!

Q: What is glass made from?

A: Sand, soda ash, and limestone

Sports Trivia

It is very sunny in the left part of the frame.Eight children of various skin tones all dressed in red and white there are four boys on the backs of four girls they all seem very happy and are smiling quite beautifully. The boy in frame right has yellow shoelaces on his blue shoes which are the only feet that are visible.Fans of sports will love these unique questions.
Fans of sports will love these unique questions.

Sports have been around for centuries! Here are unique sports trivia questions to ask your kids. 

Q: What were golf balls first made of?

A: Dried eyeballs of cows

Q: What sport has the most participants around the world?

A: Soccer

Q: What sport was played on the moon?

A: Golf

Q: How many sports are there?

A: Over 800

Q: What were tennis strings originally made of?

A: Intestines of cows, sheep, and goats

Q: What is thought to be the oldest sport in the world?

A: Wrestling

Q: What was the record for the most pushups done consecutively? 

A: 10,507 consecutive push-ups were done by Minoru Yoshida of Japan in 1980

Seasons Trivia

A,Beautiful,Spring,Day,In,Freedom,Park,,Charlotte,NcWhy do the seasons change? What is the longest day of the year? These are great questions for your kids!
Why do the seasons change? What is the longest day of the year? These are great questions for your kids!

Seasons change over and over again. Get to know why with these practical questions. 

Q: What are seasons caused by?

A: The orbit of the Earth around the sun

Q: What is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere?

A: June 21st

Q: What is the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere?

A: December 21st

Q: When is it daytime?

A: When the Earth faces the sun

Q: How many times does the Earth travel the sun? 

A: Once a year 

Q: What season do animals have their babies usually?

A: Spring

Geography Trivia

Old map, geographyGeography trivia questions are a great way to learn interesting facts about our world!
Geography trivia questions are a great way to learn interesting facts about our world!

Getting to know the physical world around us is important! These are excellent geography trivia questions to ask your kids. 

Q: What country has the most islands?

A: Sweden

Q: Where is the world's largest canyon? 

A: The Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon is located in Tibet

Q: What continent has the most people? 

A: Asia

Q: What is the largest volcano in the world?

A: Mouna Loa in Hawaii

Q: Where is the longest above-water mountain range?

A: The Andes in South America

Q: What is the planet's hottest desert?

A: The Sahara desert

Q: What is the world's largest country? 

A: Russia

Q: What is the most populated country?

A: China

Q: What language do most people use?

A: English, followed by Mandarin and Hindi

Q: What is the smallest country in the world?

A: Vatican City

Movie Trivia

Children in movie theater eating popcornMovie trivia is a fun way to learn little-known facts about your child's favorite films.
Movie trivia is a fun way to learn little-known facts about your child's favorite films.

Children's movies are fantastic! Explore some little-known facts about kids' movies with this trivia. 

Q: What was Woody from The Toy Story originally going to be?

A: A ventriloquist's dummy

Q: What Disney princess makes an appearance briefly in Frozen?

A: Tangle's Rapunzel

Q: In Monster's Inc., What is Boo's real name?

A: Mary

Q: How many fingers do minions have?

A: Three

Q: How many balloons did it take to lift Mr. Fredrickson's house in UP?

A: 20,622

Q: What was Walt Disney's favorite scene of animation?

A: The Fairy Godmother changing Cinderella's clothes 

Q: What were Mickey's first words ever spoken? 

A: Hot Dogs! Hot Dogs!

Q: Mickey had a different name when he was first created. What was it? 

A: Mortimer Mouse

Out-Of-The-Box Trivia

Children playing tug-of-warThese out-of-the-box trivia questions are a blast to ask!
These out-of-the-box trivia questions are a blast to ask!

Random facts are so fun to learn and are great conversation starters! So ask your kid these out-of-the-box trivia questions to spark some exciting topics.

Q: What condiment was once sold as medicine?

A: Ketchup

Q: Which childhood game was an Olympic sport?

A: Tug of war

Q: What animal was once a senator of Rome?

A: A Horse

Q: What part of your body gets warm when you lie?

A: Your nose

Q: How fast can an avalanche travel?

A: 200 mph 

Q: What was the first food eaten by astronauts in space?

A: Applesauce, pureed meat, and vegetables

Q: Which planet spins clockwise? 

A: Venus

Q: How long was the world's largest french-fry?

A: 34-inches long

Q: How much did the most expensive book in the world cost?

A: $30.8 million, Codex Leicester was bought by Bill Gates in 1994. Now is estimated to be worth $54 million.

Q: What is the largest organ in your body?

A: Your skin

Q: How many seconds are in a year?

A: 31,536,000 seconds

Q: How many times do you blink in a day?

A: Between 14,000 and 19,000 times a day

In Conclusion

There are so many interesting facts about the world around us! But don't stop at just these questions. If your child loves trivia and learning interesting facts, there is much to be soaked up! Whether your child loves sports, animals, or science, playing a trivia game night is fun for the whole family!

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