

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Beau is a simple name with French origins, though it now has a bit of a country twang to it. It did not enter the Social Security Index until 1967 as the name was originally, exclusively used as a nickname or as an adjective to describe men. Now, it is a very popular name for boys, almost ranking on the top 100 list.

Meaning of the name Beau:

French: beautiful, handsome

Origin of the name Beau:

Beau is a French word that literally translates to “beautiful” or “handsome.” It was originally used as an adjective to describe a boy if it was not a shortened form of Beauregard. The name became popularly used as a standalone name in the mid-twentieth century, especially with the name of the son in the movie “Gone with the Wind.”

Symbolism of the name Beau:

The baby name Beau still retains the meaning of the French word that is spelled the same. It can still be used to make your son feel confident when he eventually learns the meaning.

Style of the name Beau:


Gender of the name Beau:

Beau is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Beau:


Number of syllables in the name Beau:


Emotion evoked from the name Beau:

Beau as a baby name feels charming and as if it has deep southern roots. The name is a bit youthful as well.

Alternative spellings for the name Beau:

Nicknames for the name Beau:

  • Bee
  • Bo 
  • Bobo
  • Beauy
  • Bozo

Popularity of the name Beau:

The baby name Beau became popular enough in 1967 to be put on the Social Security Index at number 969 for boys. It did not enter the to 200 list until 2016 at number 187. As of the year 2020, Beau is still becoming more popular for boys as it is number 109.

Related names for the name Beau:

Great middle names for Beau and their meanings:

  • Mason (“one who works with stone”)
  • Elliott (“the Lord is my God”)
  • Lucas (bright, shining)
  • Mitchell (gift from God)
  • Oliver (olive branch)
  • Julian (young at heart)

Famous people with the name Beau:

  • Beau Billingslea (actor, “Hero Ships”)
  • Beau Bridges (actor, “Max Payne”)
  • Beau Brinkley (NFL player, Titans)
  • Beau MacMillian (celebrity chef)
  • Beau Burchelll (guitarist for Saosin band)
  • Beau Hoopman (Olympic rower)
  • Beau Kazer (actor, “Taxi Driver”)

Beaus in popular culture:

  • Beau Maverick (character on “Maverick”)
  • Beau Wilkes (character in “Gone with the Wind”)
  • Beau Hutton (character in “Country Strong”)
  • Beau Borroughs (character in “Rumor Has It”)
  • Beau (character in “Good Luck Charlie”)
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