

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



Baby Girl Names K


Kamaya is a beautiful Hawaiian name that feels as tranquil and lovely as it looks. Kamaya is also a rare given name for a baby. Keep reading to discover more about this name.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Kamaya:

Kamaya appears to be a variation of the name “Kamea”, which has Hawaiian roots. Even though it is not widespread in terms of being used as a baby name, it is used by many to refer to children from the islands. The name means “the one and only”.

Symbolism of the Name Kamaya:

Thanks to its precious meaning, Kamaya symbolizes beauty. There is an innocence found in the baby name Kamaya too seeing as it's used as a storied name for kids that come from Hawaii. Additionally, thanks to Kamaya’s roots being from the gorgeous islands, there is a sense of tranquility found within the name.

Nicknames for the Name Kamaya:

On the hunt for an excellent nickname for Kamaya? Look no further than the excellent options on our list:

Style of the Name Kamaya:


Gender of the Name Kamaya:

Kamaya is a girl’s name.

Pronunciation of the Name Kamaya:


Number of Syllables in the Name Kamaya:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Kamaya:

Kamaya is a free-spirited baby name that can instantly evoke feelings of peace and tranquility.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Kamaya:

• Kamea

Popularity of the Name Kamaya:

In accordance with the Social Security Index, Kamaya hasn’t ranked within the top 1,000 for the years counting from 1900 onward.

• Kaeya
• Kasha
• Kama
• Kami
• Kasey
• Kaya
• Kace

Great Middle Names for Kamaya and Their Meanings:

• Alani (orange tree)
• Emele (rival)
• Leilani (heavenly flower)
• Mauna (mountain)
• Grace (virtue name)
• Pua (flower)
• Pali (bird)
• Noe (mist of heaven)

Famous People with the Name Kamaya:

There are no known famous people with the name Kamaya.

Kamayas in Pop Culture:

Kamaya doesn’t appear as any fictional character or within other pop culture references.

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