





Learning & Activities


The 35 Best Riddles for Kids (With Answers)

Montessori teacher with two students

The 35 Best Riddles for Kids (With Answers)

What Are Riddles?

Riddles are like word puzzles that are posed in the form of a question or statement. They are like a game or puzzle for the brain. Riddles are sometimes called brain teasers because they invite the listener to use critical thinking skills to find the solution. Solving riddles invites the brain to think in a different way. Some riddles make use of words that have double meanings or connect things and ideas in a unique way.

You can find riddles across cultures and languages. They are a fun way to help children develop their cognitive skills, think creatively, and use their imaginations.

How Do Riddles Help Kids Learn?

There are several ways that riddles help children learn. First, riddles help kids develop essential problem-solving skills that will serve them throughout their academic careers and life. Riddles improve children's comprehension and creativity. When children solve riddles, they learn how words work and develop an understanding of intellectual humor. Playing word games and solving riddles expands vocabulary and increases the ability to understand words in context. Riddles demonstrate word meaning in context, making them easier for children to learn and use new vocabulary. When learning is contextualized, it is easier for children to remember what they learned. Riddles are like jokes and get repeated, allowing kids to teach each other and build self-esteem and social skills.

Here is a compilation of the 35 best riddles for kids to share with friends and family.

Best Riddles for Kids 

Kids love sharing and solving riddles together.


1. Q: What goes up but can’t ever come back down?

A: Your age.

2. Q: Which question is impossible to answer “yes” to?

A: Are you asleep?

3. Q: If you drop a blue cap in the Red Sea, what does it become?

A: Wet.

4. Q: What is always at the kitchen table, but you don’t eat them?

A: Napkins.

5. Q: What goes in a birdbath but always stays dry?

A: The bird's shadow.

6. Q: What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

A: Lunch and dinner.

7. Q: What needs to be broken before you can use it?

A: An egg.

8. Q: What have only a few people stepped on, never stays full for long, and has a dark side?

A: The moon.

9. Q: What has heads and tails but doesn’t have a body?

A: Coins.

10. Q: I sometimes run, but I can never walk. What am I?

A: A nose.

11. Q: What has a thumb and four fingers but isn’t alive?

A: A glove.

12. Q: What month has 28 days? 

A: All the months have 28 days.

13. Q: What word becomes shorter when you add two more letters? 

A: The word “short.”

14. Q: Which is heavier: a ton of feathers or a ton of rocks?

A: Neither; they both weigh a ton.

15. Q: What kind of apples do computers like?

A: Macintosh.

16. Q: What did the triangle say to the circle?

A: You are pointless.

17. Q: What kind of cup doesn’t hold water?

A: A cupcake.

18. Q: What has lots of holes but still holds water? 

A: A sponge.

19. Q: I run all the time, but I never get tired or hot. What am I? 

A: The refrigerator.

20. Q: What can you break but never hold or touch? 

A: A promise.

21. Q: It starts with T, ends with T, and is full of T. What is it? 

A: A Teapot.

22. Q: What’s as big as an elephant but doesn’t weigh anything? 

A: The elephant’s shadow.

23. Q: What’s fun to get into but challenging to get out of?

A: Trouble.

24. Q: You can always count on me, even when things go wrong. What am I? 

A: Fingers.

25. Q: Why do bees have sticky hair?

A: Because they brush with honeycombs.

26. Q: What do you call a bear without any teeth?

A: A gummy bear.

27. Q: What’s black, white, and blue?

A: A depressed zebra.

28. Q: Elephants in Africa are called Lala. Elephants in Asia are called Lulu. What do you call an elephant in Antarctica?

A: Lost.

29. Q: I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

A: A Kangaroo.

30. Q: Where would you take a sick boat?

A: Straight to the dock.

31. Q: What did the zero say to the eight?

A: I like your belt.

32. Q: What gets wet while drying?

A: A towel.

33. Q: If you have it, you don't share it. If you share it, you don't have it. What is it?

A: A secret.

34. Q: What has a mouth but doesn't talk?

A: A river.

35. Q: What has a head but no brain?

A: Lettuce

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