

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Yehuda is definitely name that has a very strong connection to its culture of origin. A spelling that's generally seen less often in the US than in Israel, it is nonetheless still a common traditional name. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Yehuda:

Hebrew: Praise

Origin of the name Yehuda:

Yehuda is a name of Hebrew origin that roughly translates to “praise”.

Symbolism of the name Yehuda:

Yehuda is a name that tends to symbolize a family's connection to their culture as well as the joy they feel for the birth of a child.

Style of the name Yehuda:


Gender of the name Yehuda:

Yehuda is almost exclusively used as a name for a baby boy.

Pronunciation of the name Yehuda:


Number of syllables in the name Yehuda:


Emotion evoked from the name Yehuda:

Yehuda tends to evoke feelings of reverence in many, as well as pleasant feelings of nostalgia.

Alternative spellings for the name Yehuda:

  • Yehudah
  • Yahudah

Nicknames for the name Yehuda:

  • Yehu
  • Hoodah

Popularity of the name Yehuda:

According to the Social Security Administration, Yehuda ranked as the 844th most popular baby name in the United States in 2020. This is also the most popular the name has ever been in the US.

Related names for the name Yehuda:

Great middle names for Yehuda and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Yehuda:

  • Yehuda Atedji (Israeli Olympian)
  • Yehuda Moraly (Israeli playwright and actor)
  • Yehuda Weisenstein (Israeli Olympian)

Yehudas in popular culture:

  • Yehuda (character, The Kingdom and the Crown)
  • Yehuda Moon (Yehuda Moon & the Kickstand Cyclery)\
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