

Mama Shirley Main Dishes




You’ll Be Reminded of the Beach With This Chicken Waikiki Beach Recipe

Chicken Meat, Pilau Rice, Dinner, Orange - Fruit, Orange Color

You’ll Be Reminded of the Beach With This Chicken Waikiki Beach Recipe

States around the country and nations around the world often tend to mark the culinary aspect of their cultures as one of the most important parts. (Some even signify it as the flagship part.) In Hawaii, this is no different as there are many delicious meals that have come out of the island. One of the best parts of Hawaii’s culinary culture is how it is not just about the meals. It is about the deliciousness of every ingredient. This recipe for Chicken Waikiki Beach certainly puts the emphasis on what a meal can taste like if every ingredient is clicking on all cylinders.

Chicken Waikiki Beach

Located in Honolulu, Hawaii, Waikiki Beach is one of the most pristine locations for relaxation in the entire country (and of course it can be found in Hawaii). In addition to having gorgeous sandy beaches and some of the most refreshing waters of any American beach, Waikiki is also known for some of the most high-quality recipes you will be able to find. It is as much a great culinary locale as it is a stunning, tropical getaway. And when you investigate this side of the great, sandy shores, then you are assuredly going to find a new favorite meal that will allow the dish to either become a home-cooked favorite or a reason to return to Hawaii as soon as possible.

With the proper care taken with every ingredient and step of the recipe, you will get a meal that is smooth, delicious, and flavorful in every bite. There are many steps and some time required to cook this meal, but every ounce of effort you put into it is worth the unbelievably swell-tasting outcome.

Hawaiian meals are great when you feel like eating something that is delicious, but also light and satisfying. It will make you feel like you are eating something truly emblematic of the island’s culture. But aside from that, the accessibility of the meal provides you with something greater. It gives you a communal meal that everyone will enjoy. Kids and adults alike can gather around and enjoy brand new flavors from different parts of the world they might not have even yet been to.

Pineapple Chicken Recipe

Of course, as is true with most dishes that come from our island state, there is going to be a lot of pineapple-esque elements mixed into the meal. Fortunately, pineapple is one of the most delicious and juicy fruits around so when it is added to a meal, it makes that meal better; it does not hamper it. And when you are cooking a chicken dinner based on a recipe from Hawaii’s Waikiki Beach, you know it is going to be flavorsome beyond all reason. We all know chicken tastes amazing when prepared properly, but we never could have anticipated it would taste amazing in this way.

The recipe is great in every way, thanks to the medley of flavors brought out by the seasonings like salt and pepper and the delicious sauce-based flavorings like the barbecue sauce and salad oil. But what really sets it apart and takes it to the next level in terms of meals you will want to revisit repeatedly and as frequently as possible is the addition of the pineapple. On top of the delicious taste of the pineapple, the Hawaiian flavorings are abound for this unconventional chicken dish that is clearly a product of people who know how to cook and cook well.

The recipe will become a classic, even if the meal is hardly traditional. The combination of chicken, pineapple, and barbecue sauce is sure to become a symphony for your taste buds. You will want to hear those notes again and again.

What to Serve With This Recipe

This delicious chicken dish will certainly be the star of the meal, regardless of what sides you serve with it. If you're uncertain on what side to serve with this excellent dish, no worries. Here are a few ideas to help you out.

The side we recommend above all others is white rice. White rice pairs so wonderfully with this dish, especially considering the use of barbecue sauce. You can either serve this chicken over rice, or beside it. Ask your family what their preference is!

If rice isn't your thing, mixed veggies are a great choice. A bag of frozen mixed vegetables is cheap and easy to get from the store. Mixed veggies help your family consume a variety of nutrients, ensuring that their diet remains balanced. There are a few different mixes out there to get; if you can find one that links well to this dish's tropical themes, all the better.

Our final suggestion is Hawaiian dinner rolls. You had to see this one coming! These dinner rolls can be found in practically any grocery store, and aren't too expensive. While Hawaiian dinner rolls may not be the most “Hawaiian” food out there, it helps bring the whole theme of this dinner together. Plus, who doesn't love a warm buttered roll?

If you enjoyed this recipe, make sure to check out our Johnny Marzetti Casserole Recipe and our Coca Cola Pork Chops Recipe.

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Chicken Meat, Pilau Rice, Dinner, Orange - Fruit, Orange Color

Chicken Waikiki Beach Recipe

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  • Author: David Moreno
  • Total Time: 55 Minutes


This recipe for Chicken Waikiki Beach certainly puts the emphasis on what a meal can taste like if every ingredient is clicking on all cylinders.


Units Scale
  • 1 whole broiler-fryer chicken, cut into parts
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/3 cup salad oil
  • 1 can undrained crushed pineapple
  • 1 cup barbecue sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger


  1. Wash chicken, pat dry with paper towels. Mix salt and pepper with flour in a shallow dish.
  2. Dredge chicken with seasoned flour.
  3. Heat oil in large skillet. Add chicken, a few pieces at a time and brown on all sides.
  4. Drain off excess oil.
  5. In a large bowl, combine pineapple, barbecue sauce, cornstarch and ginger. Mix until smooth.
  6. Pour sauce over chicken in skillet.
  7. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Makes 4 servings.
  • Prep Time: 20 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 35 Minutes
  • Category: Main Course
  • Method: Simmering
  • Cuisine: Pacific
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