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How to Cook White Rice Perfectly, Two Unique Ways to Do It

Kung Pao Chicken with Peppers, zucchini and rice. Asian take away food

How to Cook White Rice Perfectly, Two Unique Ways to Do It

Learning how to cook white rice perfectly is a challenge. You need to know the methods involved beyond simply throwing it on the stove or in a rice cooker. You need to know what rice to choose, how to clean it, and other tips and tricks that improve the quality of the rice you'll be eating.

Rice is among the oldest staple meals for many countries, especially in Asia. It's designed to complement different foods like chicken and vegetables. You'll find that white rice is perfect for making dishes like fried rice or adding rice to make your burrito larger. However, before you look at tasty recipes you can make with white rice, you should first know the initial steps to making rice.

This guide walks you through everything you need to know about how to make white rice. We look at the varieties of white rice, two ways to cook it, and some of the finest recipes you can choose with white rice. Overall, you'll have a better idea of how to make it and add it to part of your weekly dishes.

What Kind of White Rice Should You Choose?

Kung Pao Chicken with Peppers, zucchini and rice. Asian take away food

There are over 120,000 different strains of white rice. Choosing the best one can seem like a daunting task. However, the key is to select the most popular ones that are perfect for making various dishes.

For instance, Jasmine white rice is one of the best kinds of white rice to eat. It's rich in selenium and manganese, which help improve your overall health and lower cancer risk. It's also better for lowering your cholesterol.

Another brand of white rice to consider buying at your local grocery store is Nishiki Medium Grain Premium Rice. It's the best in terms of quantity. You can get a 15-pound bag for a relatively good price. It's also great for recipes that include either short or long-grain rice. While it's not as sticky as other rice, it's still a great choice because of its price and quality.

Annie Chun's white rice is another option to consider. It's gluten-free and can be easily cooked in the microwave. There are also no harmful ingredients from this particular brand of white rice. It's one of the healthiest brands to make white rice.

The Stove Way

If you don't have a rice cooker or a rice cooker with insufficient room, cooking rice on the stove in a pot is a perfect alternative. It's a convenient and fast way to make white rice for dinner.

For every cup of rice you cook in a pot, you want to ensure you add two cups of water to maintain consistency. A large enough pot can also ensure the water doesn't overflow.

Here are the steps to making white rice on the stove.

  • Rinse white rice under cold water to remove any excess starch.
  • Add sufficient water in ratio to how much rice you plan to cook.
  • When the water boils, add the rice to it.
  • Wait for the water to return to a simmer.
  • Cook the rice for 15 minutes or until tender.
  • Wait until the water has completely evaporated before eating.

The Rice Cooker Way

Making white rice in a rice cooker can be a faster, more convenient way to make white rice. It's an automated way to cook white rice that sometimes has unique features. For instance, you can schedule white rice to be cooked later in the day. Some rice cookers also have a feature that allows you to cook vegetables simultaneously.

Here are the steps to making white rice in a rice cooker:

  • Rinse white rice under cold water to remove any excess starch.
  • Add sufficient water in ratio to how much rice you plan to cook.
  • Press the cook button on the rice cooker.
  • When the timer goes off, the rice is ready to eat.
  • The rice will be hot and should be served with caution.

Different Recipes to Make With White Rice

While you know how to cook white rice on the stove or with a rice cooker, you must also know the best recipes that best complement it. It can give you a starting point of what to make with white rice or what to eat as a side dish with white rice.

Here are the most popular dishes you can have that either complement white rice or you can make with white rice.

  • Honey chicken with white rice
  • Vegetable or chicken fried rice
  • White rice with salmon
  • White rice and bean burrito
  • Vegetarian rice bowls

These meals offer a way to make recipes that include white rice. You can also eat white rice with soy sauce, pepper, or hot sauce. There are endless ways to earn with white rice. Knowing how to make white rice opens up other opportunities to try new foods.

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