

Baby Boy Names


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Yiddish Baby Names for Boys

Yiddish baby names for boys

Yiddish Baby Names for Boys

From Moishe to Avrum to Koppel, this list of Yiddish baby names for boys is filled with a variety of traditional Yiddish names. Explore the meaning of each and select the perfect name for your son!

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  • Anshel Anshel is a Yiddish name for boys. The name means blessed, fortunate or happy. It is a derivative of Asher, a son of Jacob from the Book of Genesis.
  • Avrum Avrum is a Yiddish boy’s name. The name is the Yiddish version of Abraham. Abraham is the patriarch from Judaism and other Abrahamic religions that Yahweh made a covenant with so that Abraham’s descendants would inherit Israel.
  • Ber Ber is a masculine Yiddish name. It is the Yiddish word for bear. It is a common name for jews living in Eastern Europe.
  • Chatzkel Chatzkel is a Yiddish boy’s name. It is the Yiddish version of Ezekiel. Ezekiel is the prophet from the Book of Ezekiel in the Tanakh and Old Testament.
  • Feivel Feivel is a male Yiddish name. The name means bright one. It is an alternate version of the Yiddish name, Faivish.
  • Fishel Fishel is a Yiddish name for boys. The word means small fish in Yiddish.
  • Gavrel Gavrel is a Yiddish boy’s name. It is the Yiddish version of the name Gabriel. Gabriel is an angel in Judaism as well as Christianity and Islam.
  • Iser Iser is a male Yiddish name. It means God prevails. It is a Yiddish version of Israel.
  • Koppel Koppel is a Yiddish name for boys. It means one who supplants. It is a diminutive form of the name Jacob, whose sons founded the 12 tribes of Israel.
  • Lazer Lazer is a masculine Yiddish name. The name means Yahweh helps. It is the Yiddish version of Eliezer, one of the sons of Moses and a servant to Abraham.
  • Lieber Lieber is a Yiddish boy’s name. It is the Yiddish word for love. The feminine form of this name is Liba or Leeba.
  • Malgrim Malgrim is a male Yiddish name. It refers to an independent individual.
  • Moishe Moishe is a Yiddish name for boys. It is the Yiddish version of Moses, the prophet who lead the Hebrews out of Egypt and to the Holy Land.
  • Motel Motel is a Yiddish boy’s name. It is a diminutive form of the name Mordecai. It is also the name of a character from Fiddler on the Roof.
  • Sender Sender is a male Yiddish name. It means the protector of humankind. It is based on the name Alexander.
  • Shimmel Shimmel is a Yiddish name for boys. It is a Yiddish variant of the name Simon.
  • Tevye Tevye is a Yiddish boy’s name. It means Yahweh is good and is a derivative of the name Tobiah. It is also the name of the main character of Fiddler on the Roof.
  • Yossel Yossel is a Yiddish name for boys. It is a Yiddish variant on the name Joseph.
  • Yudel Yudel is a masculine Yiddish name. It means praised, and can also mean jew. It is a diminutive version of the name Judah, whose descendants went on to found the Kingdom of Judah in the Book of Genesis.
  • Zalman Zalman is a Yiddish name for boys. It is an alternate Yiddish version of the name Solomon, one of the kings of the United Monarchy of Israel.
  • Zelig Zelig is a Yiddish boy’s name. In the Yiddish language, this means happy and blessed. It is a variant of the name Asher, one of Jacob’s sons from the Book of Genesis.
  • Zemel Zemel is a masculine Yiddish name. In Yiddish, Zemel means bread. It is derived from the German word, Semmel, which refers to a roll of bread.
  • Zindel Zindel is a male Yiddish name. It means the defender of mankind. It is a Yiddish version of Alexander.
  • Zondal Zondal is a Yiddish boy’s name. The name translates to small son.
  • Zusman Zusman is a male Yiddish name. In Yiddish, this word translates to “sweet man” and refers to a male with a sweet disposition.

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