

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Emmarie is a spelling variation of Emery, a much more popular name for boys or girls. This alternative, however, is solely for females. It is only a top 1,500 option on the Social Security Popularity Index.

Meaning of the name Emmarie:

English: universal ruler, industrious

Origin of the name Emmarie:

Emmarie originated in England after the Norman Invasion. It was likely the anglicized form of the Norman name Emery. Emery is the Norman variant of Emmerich, an ancient Germanic title. It comes from the Germanic words, “amal”, “ric,” or “ermen.”

Symbolism of the name Emmarie:

Emmarie means “universal ruler” or “industrious” because it dates back to the Germanic name Emmerich. If Emmerich is a variation of the word “amal,” then it would mean “industrious.” If it comes from “ric” and “ermen,” however, it would translate to “universal ruler.”

Style of the name Emmarie:


Gender of the name Emmarie:

Emmarie is a unique name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Emmarie:


Number of syllables in the name Emmarie:


Emotion evoked from the name Emmarie:

Emmarie is a kindhearted and sweet name. It is youthful and wholesome.

Alternative spellings for the name Emmarie

Nicknames for the name Emmarie:

Popularity of the name Emmarie:

Emmarie was only a top 1,000 name on the Social Security Popularity Index for one year in America. In 2018, it showed up as rank 989. As of 2021, the name was a top 1,500 option. More specifically, it was number 1,409 for girls.

Related names for the name Emmarie:

Great middle names for Emmarie and their meanings:

  • Willow (willow tree, freedom)
  • Paige (helper, assistant)
  • Raine (queen, she is singing)
  • Rose (rose, a flower)
  • Noelle (Christmas day, the Lord's birthday)
  • Fleur (flower)
  • Selene (brightness, moon goddess)
  • Maisie (pearl, bitter, drop of the sea)

Famous people with the name Emmarie:

There are no famous people with the baby name Emmarie.

Emmaries in popular culture:

There are no pop culture references to the name Emmarie.

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