

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names


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Little baby girl resting on the beach


Gillian is a baby name that is a feminine take on a traditional male name. The baby name Gillian also comes with various origins. Read on to learn more facts about the name.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Gillian:

As a baby name, Gillian has some long-stretching origins. The name Gillian originally came to be as a Medieval English feminine spin on the name “Julian”. Though it has English origins, the name can even be traced back to Roman roots as “Julian” comes from “Julius”, a name related to the Roman god Jupiter. Gillian can be interpreted to mean “youthful”.

Symbolism of the Name Gillian:

Gillian is a baby name that has connections that trace all the way back to the Roman god Jupiter. This can give the name Gillian the symbolism of abundance, power, protection, and even luck.

Nicknames for the Name Gillian:

Picking Gillian for a name? Then you need to figure out what nicknames you do and don't want paired with it. Controlling what nicknames are used for your child can be difficult, but at the very least being prepared will help:

Style of the Name Gillian:


Gender of the Name Gillian:

The baby name Gillian is mainly used for girls.

Pronunciation of the Name Gillian:

JIL-ee-ən or GIL-ee-ən

Number of Syllables in the Name Gillian:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Gillian:

Gillian is a baby name that feels light, creative, and free.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Gillian:

  • Jillian 
  • Gillan
  • Gilian
  • Ghillian
  • Ghilian

Popularity of the Name Gillian:

The baby name Gillian has held some popularity throughout the years, landing on the top 1,000 baby names list on numerous occasions. According to the Social Security Administration, the name Gillian landed as high as #303 in 1999. The name fell off of the top 1,000 list in 2009.

Great Middle Names for Gillian and Their Meanings:

  • Evelyn (desired; water, island)
  • Wren (small bird)
  • Laurie (bay laurel)
  • Cody (helpful, pillow)
  • Doe (a female deer)
  • Haven (word name)
  • Tillie (battle mighty)
  • Hayden (heather-grown hill)

Famous People with the Name Gillian:

Gillians in Pop Culture:

  • Gillian Andrassy (character in the American soap opera “All My Children”)
  • Gillian Owens (character in the novel and film “Practical Magic”)
  • Gillian(character in the 1986 film “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home”)
  • Gillian Seed (character in the video game “Snatcher”)
  • Gillian (character in the novel “Jill”)
  • “Gillian” (novel by Frank Yerby)
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