

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



Baby Girl Name Lists Letters H to N


Julie is a variation on the Roman name Julia that means “youthful” or “sky father”. Julie was popular from the 1950’s to 1980’s but has been replaced by Juliette and Juliet in the last thirty years.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Julie:

Julie is the French, Danish, Norwegian, and Czech variant of the name Julia. Julie either comes from the Latin word “ioulos” which means “youthful”, or it comes from the name of the Roman god Jupiter, which means “sky father”.

Symbolism of the Name Julie:

The Roman god Jupiter is symbolized by lightning bolts, eagles, and the oak tree which are all regal symbols worthy of the king of the gods.

Nicknames for the Name Julie:

Julie will most commonly be turned into Jules for a nickname, but there are a lot of other options available out there if you want to explore other choices. We've put all of the best options into this list:

Style of the Name Julie:


Gender of the Name Julie:

Julie is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the Name Julie:

JOO-lee (English), ZHUY-LEE (French), YOO-lyə (Danish, German), YOO-li-yeh (Czech)

Number of Syllables in the Name Julie:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Julie:

Julie evokes feelings of confidence and positivity.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Julie:

Joolie, July

Popularity of the Name Julie:

According to the Social Security Administration, Julie is a baby girl’s name that was in the top 100 names from 1951 to 1991. Popularity has fallen since then and Julie was #614 as of 2020.

Great Middle Names for the Name Julie and Their Meanings:

  • Katrina (pure)
  • Esmera (dark moon)
  • Bianca (white)
  • Sasha (defending men)
  • Chiara (clear)
  • Bryony (to sprout)
  • Cerys (love)
  • Aine (brightness)

Famous People with the Name Julie:

  • Julie Bishop (Australian politician)
  • Julie Bowen (American actress)
  • Julie Benz (American actress)
  • Julie Christie (British actress)
  • Julie Powell (film, “Julie & Julia”)
  • Julie Farkas (video game, “Fallout: New Vegas”)
  • Julie Carp (television, “Coronation Street”)
  • Julie Haye (television, “EastEnders”)
  • Julie Teeger (television, “Monk”)
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