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Augusta is a name that has both a general meaning to most people and a very specific meaning to fans of one sport. No matter which camp you find yourself in, though, Augusta remains a name that connects with people. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Augusta:

Latin: Esteemed

Origin of the name Augusta:

Augusta is a name of Latin origin that is the feminine form of Augustus, which means “esteemed”.

Symbolism of the name Augusta:

Augusta generally tends to symbolize the idea of holding a person in great esteem, as if he or she has great achievements or otherwise deserves great respect.

Style of the name Augusta:


Gender of the name Augusta:

Augusta is generally a name given to female children.

Pronunciation of the name Augusta:


Number of syllables in the name Augusta:


Emotion evoked from the name Augusta:

Augusta tends to evoke emotions surrounding respect, awe, and reverence.

Alternative spellings for the name Augusta:

  • Augustah
  • Ahgusta
  • Aguhsta

Nicknames for the name Augusta:

  • Gus
  • Auggie
  • Gustie

Popularity of the name Augusta:

According to the Social Security Administration, Augusta last ranked on the list of the most popular baby names in the United States in 1944 as the 971st most popular name for baby girls. The name peaked in popularity in 1901 as the 185th most popular name for baby girls.

Related names for the name Augusta:

Great middle names for Augusta and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Augusta:

  • Augusta Wallace (American actress)
  • Augusta Jane Evans (American author)
  • Augusta Lundin (Swedish fashion designer)

Augustas in popular culture:

  • Lady Augusta Bracknell (character from The Importance of Being Earnest)
  • Augusta National Golf Club (home of the PGA championship)
  • Augusta Longbottom (character from the Harry Potter novels)
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