

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Sherika is a baby girl’s name of Arabic origin. Sherika means “easterner”. The name is also a modern English name that means “little beloved girl” and comes from the French name Cher and the affectionate name ending -rika. Sherika is uncommon but is most popular in the African American community.

Meaning of the name Sherika:

Arabic: easterner
English: little beloved girl

Origin of the name Sherika:

Sherika is an uncommon Arabic baby girl’s name that means “easterner”. Sherika is also a modern English name that combines the French name Sher meaning “beloved” and the affectionate name ending -rika that means “little girl”.

Symbolism of the name Sherika:

Sherika means “little beloved girl” and comes from the French name “cher”. “Cher” and “cherie” are terms of endearment for a loved one.

Style of the name Sherika:


Gender of the name Sherika:

Sherika is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Sherika:


Number of syllables in the name Sherika:


Emotion evoked from the name Sherika:

Sherika evokes feelings of pride and beauty.

Alternative spellings for the name Sherika:

Cherika, Sherica, Sherique

Nicknames for the name Sherika:

Popularity of the name Sherika:

According to the Social Security Administration, Sherika is an uncommon girl’s name. Sherika has never appeared in the top 1000 baby names in the US.

Related names for the name Sherika:

Great middle names for the name Sherika and their meanings:

  • Devon (from Devon in England)
  • Giselle (pledge, hostage)
  • Jade (stone of the side)
  • Isis (throne)
  • Diamond (the precious stone)
  • Rochelle (little rock)
  • Sade (rain, honor bestows a crown)
  • Xaviera (new home)
  • Ombra (shadow)
  • Mabel (loveable)
  • Mae (bitter, pearl)
  • Rose (the flower)

Famous people with the name Sherika:

There are no famous people named Sherika.

Sherika in popular culture:

  • Sherika (film, “Aladdin and the King of Thieves”)
  • Sherika (video game, “Shinkyoku Sōkai Polyphonica”)
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