

Family Health


Family Life


Healthy Ideas That Follow MyPlate’s Guidelines


Healthy Ideas That Follow MyPlate’s Guidelines

MyPlate is a set of guidelines released by the USDA to help Americans eat healthy every day. Eating a balanced diet is key to optimal health. Having MyPlate as a guide will help you keep your family on track. Some of the food groups included in MyPlate are easy to consume, while others may prove to be more challenging. We have some great ideas here to help you reach your daily goals.

Healthy Ideas to Help You Meet MyPlate's Recommendations

A great way to introduce more fruit into your diet is through fruit cups. These are more convenient than cutting up fresh fruit, but they still provide you with a healthy dose of daily fruit. There are many options out there for you to choose from, like mandarin oranges and peaches. Pick the option that fits your family's tastes the best, and serve it with either lunch or dinner.

If you can't find a way to incorporate veggies into a given day's meal plan, vegetable juice can be a good substitute. MyPlate guidelines state that one cup of vegetable juice counts towards your daily needs. While vegetable juice may not be a favorite drink of many, a lot of brands introduce additional flavors to make it more appetizing. Serve a cup to each family member with breakfast or dinner.

Vegetarians and vegans might find it hard to get enough protein every day. Eggs are a good option for vegetarians, especially since they can be consumed in a variety of ways. Make an omelet, scramble them, or fry them up with some toast. Vegans will want to eat lots of nuts, beans, and lentils. These foods will help you get enough protein in your diet.

Try to limit your daily sugar intake. Sugar is appealing for a reason, but if you want to eat healthy it shouldn't make up most of your diet. It's okay to indulge once in a while, but eating lots of cookies and candy every day isn't a good idea. Go for healthier desserts, like fruit or low-sugar options.


The New Pyramid – A Plate

MyPlate Guidelines

MyPlate – The Vegetables Group

MyPlate – The Fruit Group

MyPlate – The Grains Group

MyPlate – The Protein Group

MyPlate – Healthy Ideas

MyPlate – Kid Friendly Fruits & Veggies

MyPlate – Ways to Reduce Kids' Sugar Intake

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