

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Brenda is a name that's truly a cut above the rest. That's because this fiery Scandinavian name means “sword.” Of course, many parents naming their kids Brenda today may fondly associate the name with the television character Brenda Walsh from “Beverly Hills 90210.” Keep reading to learn more about the beauty of Brenda.

Meaning of the name Brenda:

Celtic: Blade of a Sword
Old Norse: Sword/flame

Origin of the name Brenda

Scandinavian. Brenda is an Old Norse name that means sword. It gained popularity throughout Celtic cultures as a way to signify both sword and flame.

Symbolism of the name Brenda:

Brenda is a true display of Celtic power and might!

Style of the name Brenda:


Gender of the name Brenda:

Brenda is considered a classic female name throughout Ireland, Scotland, and Scandinavian countries.

Pronunciation of the name Brenda:


Syllables in the name Brenda:


Emotion evoked from the name Brenda:

Brenda is that perfect mix of raw strength and timeless femininity. Consider it the ultimate name for a warrior princess!

Alternative spellings for the name Brenda:


Nicknames for the name Brenda:

Bren, Bryn, Ren

Popularity of the name Brenda:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Brenda ranked consistently on the list of the top 1,000 names every year from 1925 to 2017. Brenda had its most popular year when it reached #11 in 1961.

Related names for the name Brenda:


Great middle names for Brenda and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Brenda:

  • Brenda Blethyn (British actress)
  • Brenda Dickson (actress from “The Young and the Restless)
  • Brenda Lee (American singer)
  • Brenda Song (actress)

Brendas in movies/pop culture:

  • Brenda (character in the “Maze Runner”)
  • Brenda Jacinta Chenowith (character in “Six Feet Under”)
  • Brenda Meeks (character in “Scary Movie”)
  • Brenda Walsh (character in “Beverly Hills 90210”)
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