

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Dayana is a baby girl name that exudes power and awe. Dayana is a Hispanic take on the always popular “Diana” name. Keep reading to learn more about the name.

Meaning of the name Dayana:

Latin for “heavenly, faith; goddess-like, divine”.

Origin of the name Dayana:

Dayana is a Hispanic name that has Latin roots. This is because it is a Spanish take on the name Diana, a Latin name. However, Dayana can also go all the way back to Indo-European roots since that is how far the name “Diana” traces back to.

Symbolism of the name Dayana:

The baby name Dayana is a symbol of strength. Dayana’s English counterpart “Diana” is backed by the Roman goddess Diana, who was the goddess of hunting, childbirth, wild animals, and associated with the moon.

Style of the name Dayana:


Gender of the name Dayana:

As Dayana is a Spanish version of the name “Diana”, it is used for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Dayana:


Number of syllables in the name Dayana:


Emotion evoked from the name Dayana:

Dayana is a name that evokes power and strength thanks in large part to the name’s connection with the Roman goddess Diana as well as the famous late Princess Diana.

Alternative spellings for the name Dayana:

Nicknames for the name Dayana:

Popularity of the name Dayana:

According to the Social Security Index, Dayana reached its highest level of popularity as a baby name in 2008 when it ranked #412.

Related names for the name Dayana:

Great middle names for Dayana and their meanings:

  • Alexandra (defending men)
  • Louisa (renowned warrior)
  • Marisa (drop of the sea, bitter, beloved + famous battle)
  • Alisha (protected by God)
  • Ramona (wise protector)
  • Elena (bright, shining light)
  • Isabella (pledged to God)
  • Lucia (light)
  • Gabriella (God is my strength)

Famous people with the name Dayana:

  • Dayana Rodríquez (Venezuelan footballer)
  • Dayana Yastremska (Ukrainian professional tennis player)
  • Dayana Mendoza (Venezuelan Miss Universe 2008)
  • Dayana Garroz (Venezuelan actress)
  • Dayana Colmenares (Miss Venezuela International 2007)
  • Dayana Cázares (Mexican football midfielder)
  • Dayana Cadeau (Haitian-born Canadian-American professional bodybuilder)

Dayanas in movies/pop culture:

There is no record of the baby name Dayana used in pop culture.

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