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Devin is a unisex Irish baby name that means “poet.” Devin was most popular for both boys and girls between the late '80s and early '00s.

Meaning and Origin of the name Devin:

Devin is a unisex name of Irish origin meaning “poet.”

Devin is an English surname derived from the Irish surname Ó Damháin, which is in reference to the Irish given name damán allaid (meaning “fawn” or “poet”).

Symbolism of the name Devin:

To the ancient Celts poets were more than merely those inclined to writing verse. Poets were respected figures who had the official duties to record stories, histories, and genealogies. They also composed poems to spread these tales.

Nicknames for the name Devin:

Devin is a sweet-sounding name for both boys and girls. You have several options to choose from when finding a nickname for Devin. We compiled a list of nicknames below to help you in your search for the perfect nickname for your baby.

  • Dev
  • Devi
  • Dee
  • Vinny
  • Vin
  • Dede
baby name Devin

Style of the name Devin:


Gender of the name Devin:

Devin is a great name for both boys and girls.

Pronunciation of the name Devin:


Number of syllables in the name Devin:


Emotion evoked from the name Devin:

Devin evokes feelings of creativity and charisma.

Alternative spellings for the name Devin:

Popularity of the name Devin:

According to the Social Security Administration, Devin is a popular unisex baby name. As a boy’s name Devin has been in the top 1000 names since 1957 and was in the top 100 from 1987 to 2005. As a girl’s name it was in the top 1000 names between 1978 and 2005.

Great middle names for the name Devin and their meanings:



Famous people with the name Devin:

  • Devin Faraci (American film critic)
  • Devin Thomas (American football player)
  • Devin Toner (Irish rugby player)
  • Devin McCourty (American football player)
  • Devin Smith (American basketball player)
  • Devin (television, “Once Upon A Time”)
  • Devin (television, “The Twilight Zone”)
  • Devin LeSeven (television, “Big Mouth”)
  • Delancy Devin (film, “Barbie: Princess Charm School”)
  • Devin Bautista (video game, “Star Citizen”)
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