

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names



baby sitting in high chair


Garrett is both a given name and surname in the United States and Europe and its roots date back to the Dark Ages. Parents love this baby name because it has a strong meaning, and it pairs well with many middle names. While it was most popular a few decades ago, it has been one of the top names in the United States for over a century, and we don't expect that to change anytime soon.

Meaning and Origin of the name Garrett:

Garrett is a derivative of the names Gerardus, Gerard, and Gerald, all of which were popular during the early Middle Ages. They were adopted by England after the Norman Conquest. In German and Old French, the name Garrett means “ruler with the spear” or “brave spearman.”

Symbolism of the name Garrett:

In the Germanic language, the word “gēr” means spear, and it's an element that inspired the name that inspired “Garrett.” For this reason, the name is often associated with bravery and strength.

Nicknames for the name Garrett:

  • Gary
  • Rhett
  • Gare
  • Garr
  • G
  • Arett
  • Retty
  • Ette

Style of the name Garrett:


Gender of the name Garrett:

Garrett is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Garrett:


Number of syllables in the name Garrett:


Emotion evoked from the name Garrett:

The baby name Garrett evokes an image of masculinity, strength, and bravery.

Alternative spellings for the name Garrett:

  • Garret
  • Garrette
  • Garritt

Popularity of the name Garrett:

Garrett has been on the list of the top 1,000 baby names in the United States for well over a century. As of 2020, it ranks at number 368, according to the Social Security Administration.

Great middle names for Garrett and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Garrett:

  • Garrett (character in the Twilight series of books and movies)
  • Garrett Reynolds (character on the TV show Pretty Little Liars)
  • Garrett Xander Lambert (character on the TV show Community)
  • Garrett (character from the video game series Thief)
  • Garrett Breedlove (character from the film Terms of Endearment)
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