Jack is an English boy’s name that means “God is gracious, man, supplanter”. Jack has been a consistently popular name throughout history. Most recently Jack was at #21 in 2020. It’s hard to go wrong with a classic like this.
Meaning of the name Jack:
English: God is gracious, man, supplanter
Origin of the name Jack:
Jack is an English name that means “God is gracious”, “man”, or “supplanter”. Jack comes from the Medieval name Jankin which is a diminutive of the name John. Jack is also an English version of the French name Jacques.
Symbolism of the name Jack:
Jack is a fairy tale name due to classics like “Jack and Jill” and “Jack and the Beanstalk”. Jack is always the regular man getting himself into strange situations.

Style of the name Jack:
Gender of the name Jack:
Jack is a boy's name.
Pronunciation of the name Jack:
Number of syllables in the name Jack:
Emotion evoked from the name Jack:
Jack evokes feelings of pride and skill.
Alternative spellings for the name Jack:
Jac, Jak
Nicknames for the name Jack:
- Jackie
- Jay
Popularity of the name Jack:
According to the Social Security Administration, Jack is an extremely popular boy’s name. Jack has never been out of the top 200 names since 1900 and it has spent more than 80 years in the top 100.
Related names for the name Jack:
Great middle names for the name Jack and their meanings:
- Luca (man from Lucania)
- August (majestic, venerable)
- Flynn (son of the red-haired one)
- Hugh (mind, intellect)
- Otis (wealthy)
- Felix (happy, fortunate)
- Silas (forest)
Famous people with the name Jack:
- Jack Davenport (English actor)
- Jack Kerouac (American novelist)
- Jack Hemingway (American writer)
- Jack Daniel (American distiller)
Jacks in popular culture:
- Jack Dawson (film, “Titanic”)
- Jack Skellington (film, “The Nightmare Before Christmas”)
- Captain Jack Sparrow (film, Pirates of the Caribbean series)
- Jack Bauer (television, “24”)
- Handsome Jack (video game, Borderlands)