

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



Waiting for a baby. Small girl. Happy birthday. Portrait of happy little child in white balloons. Sweet little baby. New life and birth. Childhood happiness. Family. Child care. Childrens day.


Jennie is an informal and fun baby name for girls. It originated as a nickname for longer options like Jennifer and Janet. Though no longer a top 1,000 baby name, Jennie was a top 100 name for a while.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Jennie:

Jenny is a variation of Jennie. Jenny became more popular in the 1900s after Jennie was more popular prior. The names were nicknames for Jennifer, Janet, and even Jane during Medieval times and after. The name means “God is gracious, white wave”.

Symbolism of the Name Jennie:

Jennie means “well-born,” “God is gracious,” or “white wave,” as it has the same meaning as the longer name variations. Jennifer means “white wave” and Jane and Janet mean “God is gracious”.

Nicknames for the Name Jennie:

Jennie is often shortened to just Jen, but there are a lot of other options available if you want to consider alternatives! Here is a great list of nicknames for Jennie:

  • Jen
  • J
  • JJ
  • Jan
  • Jens
  • Nini
  • Nee
  • Jenners
  • Jenner
  • J.I.
  • Jen-Jen
  • Ennie
  • Enns

Style of the Name Jennie:


Gender of the Name Jennie:

Jennie is an informal name for girls.

Pronunciation of the Name Jennie:


Number of Syllables in the Name Jennie:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Jennie:

Jennie is informal, simple, and fun. It is a natural and wholesome baby name.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Jennie:

  • Jenni
  • Jenny
  • Jenney
  • Jennei
  • Jennee

Popularity of the Name Jennie:

Jennie was a top 100 name until 1921, ranking the highest in 1900 at number 64 since 1900. The name did go back to the top 300 list from 1976 to 1982. 1997 was the last year Jennie was a top 1,000 name, ranking at number 920.

Great Middle Names for Jennie and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Jennie:

  • Jennie Finch (softball player)
  • Jennie McAlpine (actress, “Coronation Street”)
  • Jennie Brownscombe (painter)
  • Jennie Reed (track cyclist)
  • Jennie Linden (actress, “Women in Love”)
  • Jennie Kim (singer from BlackPink)
  • Jennie Somogyi (ballerina)
  • Jennie Spring (character from “The Face on the Milk Carton”)
  • Jennie Baldrin (character from “Jennie” and “The Abandoned” by Paul Gallico)
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