

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Kolten is an alternative spelling to the given name Colton. Colton is currently a top 100 baby name for boys in the United States, but Kolten hasn't been quite as popular. Even so, “K” names are in right now, so don't overlook this spelling's cool factor. While the name's meaning isn't too exciting, it has a strong masculine sound, making it the perfect choice for a rough and tumble little boy. Best of all, Kolten pairs with both traditional and trendy middle names.

Meaning of the name Kolten:

English: Coal town

Origin of the name Kolten:

Kolten is an alternative spelling to Colton, which is a place name in the United Kingdom. It means “coal town” and was most likely chosen because the area is rich in coal.

Symbolism of the name Kolten:

Kolten's meaning doesn't offer much in the way of symbolism. The name has sort of a masculine sound to it. It could also be associated with a colt or a young male horse.

Style of the name Kolten:


Gender of the name Kolten:

Kolten is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Kolten:


Number of syllables in the name Kolten:


Emotion evoked from the name Kolten:

The baby name Kolten evokes images of someone who loves freedom and adventure.

Alternative spellings for the name Kolten:

  • Kolton
  • Colton 
  • Colten
  • Koltin
  • Coltin

Nicknames for the name Kolten:

  • Kol
  • Colt 
  • Kolt
  • Coal
  • Koko

Popularity of the name Kolten:

According to the Social Security Administration, Kolten was a top 1,000 baby name for boys between 2008 and 2019. It was most popular in 2011 when it ranked at number 766. It last ranked at number 933 in 2019.

Related names for the name Kolten:

Great middle names for Kolten and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Kolten:

  • Kolten Solomon (football player)
  • Kolten Wong (baseball player)

Kolten in popular culture:


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