

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




When you think of the name George, you probably immediately think of some of the most important figures in history. These include George Washington, George Harrison, and King George of Britain. The name still denotes that feeling of nobility despite meaning farmer, and it is making a comeback with other vintage names.

Meaning of the name George:

Greek: farmer
English: farmer

Origin of the name George:

George comes from the Greek name “Georgios” which came from the word “georgos.” Saint George was the first man in recorded history with the name who existed during the third century and was a martyr under Diocletian. George was a beloved character in the eastern Christian church, where the name became popular initially, but after the Crusades, the name was brought back to England and spread wide.

Symbolism of the name George:

The baby name George comes from the Greek roots “ge” that means “earth” or “soil” and “ergon” that means “work.” When placing these two roots together, you get the meaning of earth worker. For those in more recent traditions, this meaning would equate to farmer.

Style of the name George:


Gender of the name George:

Male – George is exclusively used by males.

Pronunciation of the name George:


Number of syllables in the name George:


Emotion evoked from the name George:

The baby name George feels friendly and welcoming. It is a regal name when considering all of those in leadership who have held the name.

Alternative spellings for the name George:

  • Gheorge
  • Jorge
  • Geoarge

Nicknames for the name George:

  • Georgie
  • Gee
  • Geordie
  • Geo
  • Jojo
  • Goji
  • Georgi

Popularity of the name George:

The baby name George was on the top 5 list of the Social Security Index until 1911 and on the top 10 list until 1937. It remained on the top 20 list until 1950 and even on the top 50 list until 1974. The name receded in popularity in the early 2000s, but it seems to slowly be making a comeback. As of the year 2020, the baby name ranks at number 133 for boys.

Related names for the name George:

Great middle names for George and their meanings:

  • Harrison (son of Harry)
  • Leslie (garden of holly trees)
  • Alexander (defender of men)
  • Allen (handsome, cheerful)
  • Simon (listen, hearing)
  • Phillip (lover of horses)
  • Wyatt (brave in world)
  • Ulysses (wounded in the thigh)

Famous people with the name George:

  • George Washington (first president of the United States)
  • George W Bush (former president of the United States)
  • George Bush (former president of the United States)
  • George Harrison (musician in The Beatles)
  • George Hale (professional astrologer)
  • George Burns (actor, “The Sunshine Boys”)
  • George Shaw (playwright, “Man and Superman”)

Georges in popular culture:

  • George Costanza (character on “Seinfeld”)
  • Curious George (title character from “Curious George”)
  • George Weasley (character from “Harry Potter”)
  • George Banks (character in “Mary Poppins”)
  • George Jetson (character on “The Jetsons”)
  • George Bluth (character on “Arrested Development”)
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