

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Frank is a simple baby name for boys. It comes from the name of the tribal people in Europe, the Franks. In America, Frank remains a top 500 option for boys.

Meaning of the name Frank:

Germanic: Frenchman, free man

Origin of the name Frank:

Frank originated as a surname for members of the Frank tribe in Germany. This people group helped to settle France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. They likely got their title because of their weapon of choice. Frank and its many variations, including Franklin and Francis, became popular in the Middle Ages.

Symbolism of the name Frank:

Frank was originally the title for a member of the Frank tribe in Germanic cultures. They helped settle France, giving Frank the translation of “Frenchman.” Some individuals claim that Frank translates to “free man” in reference to “Frenchman.”

Style of the name Frank:


Gender of the name Frank:

Frank is an informal name for boys.

Pronunciation of the name Frank:


Number of syllables in the name Frank:


Emotion evoked from the name Frank:

Frank feels informal and simple. It is a mature and strong baby name.

Alternative spellings for the name Frank:

  • Franc
  • Frannc
  • Frannk

Nicknames for the name Frank:

Popularity of the name Frank:

Frank was on the top 10 list of the Social Security Popularity Index until 1922. It was highest at number eight from 1900 to 1911. Frank remained on the top 1,000 list until 1988. As of 2021, Frank is a top 500 option. More specifically, it is number 444 for boys.

Related names for the name Frank:

Great middle names for Frank and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Frank:

  • Frank Fabra (Colombian soccer player)
  • Frank Sinatra (singer)
  • Frank Wilczek (physicist, Noble prize winner)
  • Frank Baum (novelist, film producer)
  • Frank Kellogg (former Secretary of State)
  • Frank Burnet (virologist, Nobel prize winner)
  • Frank Rowland (chemist, Nobel prize winner)
  • Frank Zappa (musician)

Franks in popular culture:

  • Frank Reynolds (character from “It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia”)
  • Frank Zhang (character from “Heroes of Olympus” series)
  • Frank Hardy (character from “The Hardy Boys” series)
  • Frank Sunderland (character from “Silent Hill 4” game)
  • Frank Colridge (character from “Silent Hill: Downpour” game)
  • Frank Breitkopf (character from “Criminal Minds”)
  • Frank Blossom (character from “The Worst Witch”)
  • Frank Jackson (character from “Big Fat Liar”)
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