

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Lizbet is the least popular nickname for Elizabeth. It is a standalone option as well, however, making it a unique option for your daughter. It is rarely used as a top 12,000 baby name.

Meaning of the name Lizbet:

Hebrew: pledged to God, God is my oath

Origin of the name Lizbet:

Lizbet began as a nickname for Elizabeth. Elizabeth comes from the Greek name Elisabet, dating to the Hebrew name Elisheva. Elisheba was a variation seen in the Old Testament, who was a wife of Aaron, the brother of Moses. Elizabeth itself, however, is in the New Testament, seen as the mother of John the Baptist.

Symbolism of the name Lizbet:

Lizbet means “pledged to God” and “God is my oath” because it has the same meaning as Elizabeth. Elizabeth has these meanings as it originates from the Hebrew words “el” and “shava.” “El” translates to “God” and “shava” to “oath.”

Style of the name Lizbet:


Gender of the name Lizbet:

Lizbet is a feminine name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Lizbet:


Number of syllables in the name Lizbet:


Emotion evoked from the name Lizbet:

Lizbet is unique and strong. It has a traditional feel to it.

Alternative spellings for the name Lizbet:

  • Lizbett
  • Lizbette
  • Lizzbet
  • Lizzbett
  • Lizzbette

Nicknames for the name Lizbet:

Popularity of the name Lizbet:

Lizbet has no records as a top 1,000 baby name, and it currently ranks at number 11,480. In comparison, the full name, Elizabeth, was rank 16 in 2020. Ellie was rank 29, Elle was number 371, and Ella was rank 15.

Related names for the name Lizbet:

Great middle names for Lizbet and their meanings:

  • Ivy (vine)
  • Dawn (first sight of light, daybreak)
  • Imogen (maiden, innocent)
  • Blanche (white)
  • Maude (mighty in battle, high tower, woman from Magdala)
  • Raine (she is singing, queen)
  • Willow (willow tree, freedom)
  • Fleur (flower)

Famous people with the name Lizbet:

  • Lizbet Martinez (violinist)
  • Lizbet Alcazar (beauty queen from Peru)

Lizbets in popular culture:

  • Aunt Lizbet (character from “Life Above All”)
  • Lizbet (character from “The Vow”)
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