

Baby Girl Names


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Mimi is a name that's changed quite a bit over time. Starting as a cute pet name for a child, it's become a name that is associated with many different women. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning and Origin of the name Mimi:

Mimi is an adorable girl's name of Greek and Egyptian origin meaning “rebellious,” “love,” or “beloved.”

Mimi may have come from Greek origins and possibly means “rebellious”. Mimi is a derivative of Miriam, which has many different meaning but may mean “rebellious.” Mimi may have also come from the ancient Egyptian words mr (meaning “love”) or mry (meaning “beloved”).

Symbolism of the name Mimi:

Mimi is a name that tends to symbolize the joy that comes from a child who is hoped to be lively and spontaneous.

Nicknames for the name Mimi:

Mimi is a very short name that is also the nickname for other names such as Miriam. There aren't many ways to shorten Mimi to create nicknames. There are two somewhat common options for nicknames, which we have listed below. This short list might inspire your own creation of a nickname for your baby girl.

  • Me
  • Meems

Style of the name Mimi:


Gender of the name Mimi:

Mimi is almost exclusively given as a name to baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Mimi:


Number of syllables in the name Mimi:


Emotion evoked from the name Mimi:

Mimi tends to evoke emotions of delight and whimsy.

Alternative spellings for the name Mimi:

  • Meme
  • Mime
  • Memi

Popularity of the name Mimi:

According to the Social Security Administration, Mimi last ranked on the list of the most popular baby names in the United States in 1967 as the 913th most popular baby girls' name. It peaked in popularity in 1956 as the 797th most popular girls' name.

Great middle names for Mimi and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Mimi:

  • Mimi Gross (American artist)
  • Mimi Fox (American guitarist)
  • Mimi Freedman (American filmmaker)
  • Mimi Rogers(American actress)
  • Mimi Bobeck (character from The Drew Carey Show)
  • Mimi Kanassis (character from The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
  • Mimi Marquez (character from Rent)
  • Mimi Labonq (character from ‘Allo, ‘Allo!)
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